
Can I try to give you some information ....

1. Orpinton is much better than Bromley in terms of the general living standards and commutering.

There are a lot of trains linking Orpinton and Cannon Street or London Bridge. It just takes less than half hour for direct trains.

2. Some other places you may consider is: Sevenoaks, Townbridge Wells. Although they are further away from London than Orpinton, they are much better than Orpinton. However, as they are further away the train tickets are more expensive.


thanks -俗不可耐4- 給 俗不可耐4 發送悄悄話 俗不可耐4 的博客首頁 (81 bytes) () 04/26/2009 postreply 07:41:32

I think that is very complete summery about kent. -toploader- 給 toploader 發送悄悄話 toploader 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/28/2009 postreply 04:02:21

對Sevenoaks區很好,我的好朋友住在那裏,我去過幾次。 -chinesejo- 給 chinesejo 發送悄悄話 chinesejo 的博客首頁 (30 bytes) () 04/28/2009 postreply 04:21:23
