
有人問智齒的問題, 我簡單說一下.

英語叫WISDOM tooth, which is normally buried under your gums.

它很多時候不長出來, 但很多時候長出來,歪的.

我用英語寫比較容易:the usual problem of wisdom teeth is that they come out tilted and push the molars next to them. It is a rather difficult area to keep clean ~(between teeth). once the suger gets through, bacteria will then have a good environment to grow and that is how decay starts.
Please remember that decay only caused by sugar and sugar only.

then your teeth/gum might get infected, that is why someone has swllowen gums or sharp pain. In that case you just have to take anti-inflammatory pain killers like aspirin or ibuprofin (not paracetomol- which is not anti-inflammatory), or some anti-biotics (preferrable from your gp, because dentists charge £16.50 for giving your prescription, be careful of the allergies)

There is no garantee in biology or anything in life, if you have a tooth filled, it might well decay again.

Hope that answers your question.
