a few reasons:
1, Government's mortgage protection scheme starts in April, If you lose your job and your mortgage is lower than 163;250,000, government pays the interest for 2 years.
2, Northern rock will start mortgage lending next month, 163;16 billion this year, and 163;16billion next year.
3, RBS and Lloyd have committed to leading as well, don't know the figures of RBS; while Lloys's is 163;14billion this year and $14billion next year.
4, interest rate is low, that means people could afford high house prices, and interest rate will stay low, because the economy will not grow more than 5% per year for the future.
5, shared ownership scheme, and 75% purchase scheme help the house builders to shift houses.
The only factor could drag down the house price is the mortgage deposit from the bank.
We will see housing market start moving again
Government's mortgage protection scheme?
(148 bytes)
03/08/2009 postreply
The condition is you have lost your job,
(110 bytes)
03/09/2009 postreply
will these work and from when
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03/08/2009 postreply