快進看完《玫瑰》,感覺主線乏善可陳, 模棱兩可。女主似瀟灑, 但缺少質感,


太光滑,太完美, 與所歷人事之間缺少"摩擦力""咬合力". So called lacking "granularity". 

It appears that she just lives through her stories with her men one by one. At the closing of the drama she claims that she likes to keep growing without looking back. Yet as I see it, she didn't grow, her men did: 國棟 once gave up his lover for his career, and eventually figured out his woman was more important. 協文 over time became more reasonable as an ex-husband and more functional a father.

As well this drama doesn't work out well as a manifestation of feminism. Rose is talented and is from a good family for sure, yet there's nothing truly unusual about this, so to speak. What makes her unusual is only her beauty and she moves gracefully through life much due to this. Yet, this totally undermines the idea of feminism. The screenwriter seemingly intended to downgrade, even to kill (as in the case of 家明) the male characters in order to nourish her female protagonist, and to creat her as a mild feminist heroine, but unfortunately not so successfully.

Her brother 振華 and 蘇蘇 form a more interesting couple and have a more meaningful story to offer. 

In my opinions,

《風》: 9.0

《夢》: 8.0

《玫瑰》: 4.0

It needs to be said again that I watched 《玫瑰》 with a lot of fast forwarding, hence my view might not be fair.





