原版電影的結尾,艾德華諾頓 (Edward Norton) 所扮演的男主角,殺死想象中的另一個自我、由布萊德彼特扮演的無政府主義者角色“泰勒”,然後看著多棟建築物爆炸,代表該角色摧毀現代文明的計劃已經在進行中。
中國的新版本卻截然不同。根據旁白描述,在男主角一樣對“泰勒”動手,隨後建築物爆炸場景卻被黑底白字所取代,上麵寫到警方迅速查清整個計劃,逮捕所有罪犯,並且“阻止了炸彈的爆炸”。此外,“泰勒”被送往精神病院接受心理治療,後來出院。這種國家大獲全勝的新結局,有中國網友在微博上說:“這太離譜了,騰訊視頻上的 《搏擊俱樂部》告訴我們,他們不僅刪除了場景,還增加了情節。”
My original pitch for China's new Fight Club ending. pic.twitter.com/zjdm70Z80R
— Matthew Highton (@MattHighton) January 25, 2022
This is exactly the new ending to Fight Club in China pic.twitter.com/6fOjxIXvR6
— Aaron Stewart-Ahn (@somebadideas) January 25, 2022
China changes all kinds of movies, not just Fight Club. Look what they did to The Shawshank Redemption pic.twitter.com/2LGpQQ4PLg
— Brian Firenzi (@mrbrianfirenzi) January 24, 2022
In the HK ending, the triad sleeper agent in the police force (Andy Lau) gets away with it; when he alone is aware of his status, his fake persona becomes his true identity. In the final scenes of the mainland version...he gets arrested. YAY JUSTICE! pic.twitter.com/3LibngLcpI
— Ian Young (@ianjamesyoung70) January 25, 2022