Reviews on NY Times

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Poor Taste, December 12, 2006
Reviewer: markyearick
Not that it's absurdly expensive per se at $250 and $350 per tasting menu + service tip; it's ridiculously amusing as the wait staff choreographs the lifting of tiny china lids from miniature bowls while one describes the bite-size blob of goo at the bottom in punctilious detail. During one course, my friend said she did not see the Brussels sprouts. "No," I explained, "Brussels sprout leaves. Those two little thumbnail size leaves that those two red beans are sitting on. Do you see them? There." Since I did not spring for the $60 addition for white truffles on one dish, I settled for a finger of the well-described potato salad, which tasted, well, potatoey. Then, after showing me the bottle for my wine by the glass ($20), a waiter measured out what looked like a tasting and left. Nothing served made me exclaim, "Wow! This is really good." But after nine or so tastes, I was full (or the rich mixture of ingredients caused a bloated sensation that lasted through the night) and could not partake in the after dinner candies, cookies, and nuts. Perhaps I just have poor taste, but nothing really tasted that good irrespective of price.

stars fell on Keller, September 11, 2006
Reviewer: foxhunter09
Thomas Keller is a god of gastronomy and Benno is his prophet.Michelin has awarded per se the coveted three star imprimatur and from a food standpoint this is undisputed. Sublime flights of taste to tickle your buds, a stunning view and seamless service can be had at a shockingly high price. The atmosphere is quiet, almost reverential. Go once for the experience and forget about the tariff.

Where's Woody, April 22, 2006
Reviewer: whearst
Our experience started with being sent home due to an un-advertised and randomly applied no jeans policy. I was wearing a navy blazer, shirt and tie. I live nearby, so the other three of us sat down while I ran home for a quick redress in slacks. When I arrived back, I noticed a semi-famous actor wearing jeans (the studio must be paying) at a prominent table. No big deal, the rules are always different for celebrities. I wish they had said something when I made the rez. Finally one of the waiters asked us "Are you familiar with how our menu works." Suppressing my temptation to say "Ah we pick stuff out and you go get it?" we meekly listened to the lecture. Then wine. You can't order what you like (we picked a French Burgundy) instead you have to Meet The Sommelier. This is like the extra meeting with the sales manager after you decide to buy the car. He wanted to know what we were having, and suggested a more expensive choice. The place is spookily quiet. You can hear people chewing. There are always wait staff, fiddling with bread rolls, holding up the empty and asking if you'd like another bottle of water. We exited laughing, glad to breathe Manhattan street air, paroled from the velvet dungeon. Where is Woody Allen when you need him! Thomas Keller ought to visit this place once in a while and then demand to have his name taken off. If you win a lottery ticket to eat here, give it to somebody you don't like and be sure to say wear jeans.

Lofty expectations easily conquered, April 5, 2006
Reviewer: jpgrifo
Per Se is certainly on par with Thomas Keller's other establishments and was satisfying in every respect. Although the prices are exorbitant and the waitlist lengthy, all of it added to the ecstasy encountered when taking the first bite of a cleverly crafted canape, and washing it down with a crisp and effervescent prosecco recommended and served by a sommelier who played the role of a long lost best-friend quite well. The tasting menu was to die for, from simple parker house rolls (the best I've ever had) to the soft boiled egg presented in a nun's hat (dishware) and covered in truffle shavings delivered tableside by our waiter. Truly an astounding and life-changing experience and for those who truly appreciate a fine meal, paired with excellent wines, should look no further than Per Se.

Per Se It Isn't So!, March 14, 2006
Reviewer: seclawtraubster
On March 9 myself and two others had the privilege of spending over $1,500.00 on dinner at Per Se. Our reservation for 5:30 p.m. on a Thursday night was made two months earlier. Needless to say, expectations were high. Unfortunately, Per Se failed to come even remotely close to meeting these expectations. Just for a moment, I should set aside the fact that I unwittingly paid $400.00 for a bottle of Cloud View meritage that retails directly from the vineyard for $60.00. With this type of markup, I would gladly have paid the $90 corkage, and brought my own wine. Of the nine plus courses included in the tasting menu, only one course, oysters with tapioca and caviar, was excellent. Each and every other course, though beautifully presented, was mediocre at best, upon entry into the mouth. The fois gras was too bland to be worth the carolies; the rack of rabbit (no typo) was very ordinary; the veal course was good, but at over $200 per person, ought to be a lot better than just good; and the dessert was less than average. Not being a professional reviewer, I have no notes regarding the other courses. However, the fact that they were so unmemorable speaks volumes. The only reason to go to Per Se is to be seen in a special place, enjoy a great view, enjoy fastastic table service, and to be ripped off. Perhaps Per Se was "off" last week, but at the prices they charge, they do not have the right. I give Per Se two thumbs down!!!

Euphoria at Columbus Circle, December 5, 2005
Reviewer: mmolaski
My date and I waited out front and giggled as customers were tricked by the fake blue door. We entered the beautiful room and were sat with complete views of both the dining room and Central Park. The food was extrodinary, "oysters and pearls" was amazing, and the shaved white truffles on my date's risotto fell like snowflakes over her dish. We left paying less than expected (always a nice delight) and the service was unparralled. It was my first experience in a NYC 4 star and I have to say that it was a night I will always remember.

Regal experience, November 26, 2005
Reviewer: prosales68
This must be one of the finest restaurants in the entire world. Having dined at some michelin´s three stars in Europe and Zagat´s 28-29 points restaurants in the States, i can without any doubt say that this outperforms most of them. Unfortunately, i haven´t been at French Laundry so i can not compare with his siebling. There is a flawless sense in every aspect of the experience of dining here, from the cozy yet elegant waiting lounge and the attentive welcome to the final complimentary petit fours. Dishes are not common fine meal, they are works of art, no matter what you order, not just in the flavor but in every visual detail and in the texture and sound selection of the complete menu order. Setting, it may well be the best in NYC, with the spectacular view of Central Park. The great wine list. The impeccable service. All together make for an unforgettable experience. Everyone looking for one memorable and outstanding gourmet experience must come here, period.

Dinning in a Police State, November 3, 2005
Reviewer: dgnyny58
First, the food is very good, not great. However, my dislike of Per Se is for mostly other reasons. I felt I was serving time (3 1/2 hours) in a well to do prison. First, I'm allergic to fish... so was unable to try only the Vegetable Menu. I was told, or should I say almost threatened by the waiter, that I could not change or alter any of the courses of the other two menus. You see, one is given the option of three different prix fix menus, two contain fish courses which they wouldn't allow me to substitute with something else... Now for the service...which was polite, but a little too pretentious. I felt dinning in this restaurant was like dinning in somebody's idea of how rich people live, rather than how they actually do. My favorite moment, was when the table across from me ordered a chicken, and a waitress came out with the entire bird on a silver tray. She walked around to each person at the table to "show-off" the bird to great ooos and aahhsss. Excuse me, but its a chicken, anyone with the most basic cooking skills could achieve the same effect on the first try...but I suppose if you pay $210 Per Person, most people will want to feel they got something for it, rather than feeling raked over the coals. So, my advice to anyone who is dying to go to Per Se... Go with someone who will pick-up the bill...check your individuality at the door and surrender to the dictator in the kitchen...

An Unmatched Dining Experience., September 7, 2005
Reviewer: jonahbrown
When I dined at Per Se earlier this year, after having my reservation postponed due to the fire, it was quite possibly the most flawless dining experience of my life. Warmly welcomed from the blue door, through my service and even a tour of the kitchen and a chance to meet executive chef Jonathon Benno, I had not been treated better at the finest restaurants in the city like Gramercy Tavern or Daniel. The staff was almost firghteningly knowledgeable, entirely unpretentious and thoroughly hospitable. The food was, as expected, ethereal. The foie gras au torchon with peaches and crisped carolina rice was a life-altering experience. Tasting the now world-famous salmon cornets was like a holy experience. The view, just over the trees of central park, is stunning at any time of year. This was enhanced by our being seated on the same side of a large round table, providing intimacy, a feeling of being at a show (which we truly were) and uninterrupted views of the park. Any opportunity to dine a restaurant of Thomas Keller is a privilege, and Per Se is no exception. I recommend it with perfect confidence.


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