"Aliens overstaying the visa or residence permit for a short period will be given a warning and be required to pay a fine. Usually, the penalty is CNY500 per day not to exceed CNY10,000 "
倒過來想,要是到美國訪問,過了簽證期限。 遊客會有顧慮是否下次簽證會被拒絕
"Aliens overstaying the visa or residence permit for a short period will be given a warning and be required to pay a fine. Usually, the penalty is CNY500 per day not to exceed CNY10,000 "
倒過來想,要是到美國訪問,過了簽證期限。 遊客會有顧慮是否下次簽證會被拒絕
It really depends on the officers as China goes
(264 bytes)
03/10/2025 postreply
Thinking a different way, I would be comfortable to stay
(148 bytes)
03/10/2025 postreply
You w/ 10 yr Visa subj to max length allowed. Son's unclear
(1040 bytes)
03/10/2025 postreply
相信樓主是澳洲的 他們入境有落地簽停十五天 樓主可能都不知道這個 所以護照上敲了VISA章 根本不是用過境免簽 兩碼事!
(0 bytes)
03/10/2025 postreply
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