
來源: lepton 2023-11-29 09:54:11 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (14389 bytes)
















選了最佳時機,仍然不敢輕敵,一早就備下作戰策略,簡單來說,就是逆流而上—先參觀冷門區域,把最熱門的Denon Wing第一樓留到最後三、四十分鐘,而羅浮宮鎮館之寶Mona Llisa就留到關門前的最後一刻。

I downloaded the louvre map from the official website, marked all the pieces I wanted to see and planned my route beforehand. Here’s our (highly individualized) plan of attack:
F=floor, R=room

Enter through the carousel entrance.
Richelieu Wing, F-1:
Cour Puget, R105
Cour Marly, R102

Take the elevator to floor 2 to admire the Dutch painting collection by Rembrandt, Vermeer, and De Hooch.
Richelieu Wing, F2:
The lace maker, R837
Bathsheba at Her Bath by Rembrandt, R844

The Galerie Médicis, R801 canvases by Rubens on the life of Marie de' Medici

Gabrielle d'entrees and sister, R824

Sully Wing, F2:
The cheat with the ace of diamonds, R912

Then climb the stairs down to floor 0 for the Near Eastern Antiquities department.
Richelieu Wing, F0:
Hammurabi code, R227
Assyrian King Sargon II's palace (8th century BC)
The Cour Khorsabad, R229
The Lamassu, R229

Sully Wing, F0:
Room 307, Persian king Darius I’s palace (510BC)
Kneeling bulls capital R307
Frieze of archers, R307
Winged ibex, R307

The caryatids, R348
Venus de Milo, R345

Denon Wing, F0:
Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss, R403
The Dying Slave by Michelangelo, R403

Denon, F1:
Winged Victory, 703
Coronation of Napoleon, R702
The Great Odalisque, R702
Liberty Leading the People, R700
The Raft of the Medusa, R700
Virgin of the Rocks, R710
Raphael’s La Belle Jardinière, R710

Mona Lisa, R711

This plan is highly individualized. I'm a sucker for Dutch paintings and Persian & Assyrian antiquities, so we spent a good chunk of time in those galleries. We left entire collections of Egyptian and Greek art out because we have recently visited both countries and have seen mountains of ancient Egyptian sculptures and miles of greek vases. We also skipped Napoleon's apartments, French Crown Jewels, Islamic arts, decorative arts, etc. You can browse through the entire collection on the Louvre website.

6:30pm The carousel entrance.

Enter through the Richelieu Wing. We went straight through to the Cour Puget and Cour Marly. I've always loved these two courtyards. The sculptures, the plants, the steps, the pattens of light and shadow through the glass-roofs… the space is simply divine.

Bathsheba at her Bath by Rembrandt.

The Galerie Médicis, R801 canvases by Rubens on the life of Marie de' Medici.

The cheat with the ace of diamonds. 她臉上的表情也太搞笑了吧!

從F2再下樓到F0。就是我最愛的近東文物部門, Near Eastern Antiquities department.
The Code of Hammurabi! It's the Babylonian system of law in ancient Mesopotamia.

"Eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"
Babylonian legal text composed during 1755-1750 BC.

Cour Khorsabad
The Lamassu 8th century BC
Assyrian king Saragon II's palace (8th century BC)

Enormous kneeling bulls capital
36 of these columns once supported the roof of the 128,000-square-foot audience hall in the Darius palace at Susa. (510BC)
The bulls would have been actually sitting much higher up.

Frieze of archers, also from the Darius palace. I love all the edges and trim designs that they used and the colors that they had chosen.
They're dazzling. 比起赫赫有名的Persepolis, Susa簡直是默默無聞。這邊還有一座3D的Susa宮殿模擬展示,做得超棒的。

The details are breathtaking

The entire Richelieu and the near eastern department were gloriously crowds-free.


Venus de Milo

還有其他絕美的雕塑比如:Psyche revived by Cupid's kiss

米開朗基羅的dying slave

Taking a selfie 哈哈

再上一層樓梯,我們就到了羅浮宮最紅的Denon F1。即使是夜間參觀,這裡也鬧哄哄如菜市場。寶貝當然很多啦,比如這幅"Grande Odalisque" by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres


Raphael's La Belle Jardiniere

比起前麵近東展區的寧靜,Denon F1人頭攢動,人聲嘈雜,根本沒法能靜靜地專注於美妙的藝術。我們乾脆捨棄了看畫,來玩reenactment。先上8年前拍的這張。仔細看貝貝的小臉表情,多麼“生無可戀”,笑得我!

八年後的今天,the louvre still kicked our butt.

老公自嘲是completionist,就是到哪裡都恨不得能一網打盡。八年前的這一刻,他說到:“Come on, we still have the whole Egyptian gallery to see!” 但是這次玩reenactment,我們自己笑得東倒西歪,以往那些痛苦的回憶都變得特別好玩兒了。

Save the blockbuster for last!
We literally got to the Mona Lisa minutes before closing time.
Last time it was quite the mosh pit here. 這次我們終於能好好地跟她對話。

3hrs of Louvre left us exhausted.
下次我就不去Denon wing湊熱鬧了,還是乖乖待在我最愛的近東區好好欣賞我的最愛。



棒棒的攻略 下次再訪時就跟你的近東區的走法 蒙娜麗莎就萛了 N 年前隻有一條紅天鵝絨的 Rope 把參觀者隔在三四呎外 -goingplaces- 給 goingplaces 發送悄悄話 (929 bytes) () 11/29/2023 postreply 12:20:58

我們第一次去也是pre-digital年代。但上次去就被嚇到了--哪隻是數十號人,平常至少是幾百人啊,人山人海,很恐怖。 -lepton- 給 lepton 發送悄悄話 lepton 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/29/2023 postreply 17:10:50

這次去南歐還沒成行就被視頻裏博客裏說的小偷嚇壞了:) -tiger00- 給 tiger00 發送悄悄話 tiger00 的博客首頁 (404 bytes) () 11/29/2023 postreply 14:52:06

鎖扣還是好用的。後來聽說這些teens小偷就算被警察抓了也是馬上放出來因為未成年。難怪這樣有持無恐啊。 -lepton- 給 lepton 發送悄悄話 lepton 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/29/2023 postreply 17:16:51

小偷都是黑老大養的。。。你沒見過中國要飯的都會抱個孩子:)))一般來說,都不是親爹親媽。。。 -溫村- 給 溫村 發送悄悄話 (342 bytes) () 11/29/2023 postreply 20:57:08

老公不止一次抓住扒手伸進他的外套側袋的手。大部分是 Teen age girls. -goingplaces- 給 goingplaces 發送悄悄話 (1575 bytes) () 11/29/2023 postreply 22:20:31

五月底我們住的旅店就在美國大使館的旁邊,有重兵把守,離盧浮宮不遠。我的雙背包裏麵東西亂七八糟, -MarkM76- 給 MarkM76 發送悄悄話 (371 bytes) () 11/29/2023 postreply 16:16:18

凱旋門以前上去過兩次了。第一次是20多年前,忘了;第二次是坐電梯上去的,因為老公用法語求了看電梯的。上麵看日落真的很美。 -lepton- 給 lepton 發送悄悄話 lepton 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/29/2023 postreply 17:18:36

N 年前隻有爬的 頂上還沒有圍起來。我有一張坐在矮牆上麵的照片。最先有電梯時人人都能用 後來就變成for disable -goingplaces- 給 goingplaces 發送悄悄話 (339 bytes) () 11/29/2023 postreply 22:29:18



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