僅在 making a purchase. ATM and Cash Advance NO FEE

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The 1% forex fee ONLY applied when you use it to BUY things.  That is the fee Visa charged to use its Network,  Fido chose to pass along.  Schwab chose to absorb it.

Besides, even with 1% transaction fee, the Multi-millions Interbank mean exchange rate used for ATM transaction, would be much better than you exchange money the old fashion way, such as using an Exchange service, where there is a Buy from (you, in USD) and Sell to (you local currency) rates, often has 5% difference between the 2.

在上麵的帖子中,我提到 BNP Aix en Provence 吃了我的卡。 那是一張 Fido 卡. 

交易單顯示零歐元 was withdrawn。 賬戶顯示在同一天提取了 100 歐元,退回了 100 歐元。 然而,第二天 100 歐元的 Credit消失了,隻剩下 100 歐元 withdrawal。 The account was short 100 Euro. 我們在遊輪上, cannot call Fido。 我給 Fido 發了一封電子郵件。 幾天後得到主管的回複,說 Credit 消失的原因,是因為BNP沒有使用SAME交易代碼退還失敗的提款。 然後我看到卡上有 1 歐元的 Charge。 經調查,主管告訴我這是因為不知何故交易 from ATM Withdrawal 變成了 Purchase,has 1% 的費用,由 VISA 網絡收取,而不是 Fido。

我們使用 Fido 卡的次數遠遠超過 Schwab 卡,因為 Fido 立即報銷 ATM 費用,而 Schwab 每月報銷一次,在月初報銷上個月的總和。 已使用 Fido 卡近 20 年或更長時間。從來看不到 1% 的費用。 匯率總是非常接近 XE.com 上的曆史匯率,最多為正負 0.2-3%。 有時對他們有利, 有時對我有利. 

我唯一 一次看到 Fido 1% 的費用,  是在法國巴黎銀行的那次,由於機器吃卡而提款失敗。然後發現 1美元 charge, 就是你提到的1% transaction fee,  因為 the withdrawal不知何故變成 purchase。

I have a friend who has a small apartment in Paris.  They went there twice a year before Pandemic.  Fidelity card is his main mean to get spending money at places such as Paris Open Markets that only use cash during their usual 2+ months long stay.  He too, NEVER sees the 1% fee you saw on Fido site.  He almost did not believe me when I told him about the incident at Aix en Provence because like me, he has the Fido card for more than 20 years.  NEVER once sees a 1% fee.

In practice, there is always some tiny variance on the exchange rates,  plus / minus at 0.2 to 0.3%,  far less than the 1% stated,  and sometimes are to the cardholder's favor!  We and our friends consider that is just rounding error,  good enough not to be bothered with.






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