Thanks for the info. Coolibar costs 3 times more than others

I really dont care about the look.  This can be reflected on our trip photos and videos - we are very very very rarely in the pictures.  LOL.

If the functions are the same, I would not pay for the look.  Coolibar is really charging a premium.  Let those who have the need to have hundreds of personal pix then send to their friends circles pay for that premium.  Haha.

Interestingly I also found it definitely is worth the time to shop around.  Identical items could be priced 50 to 60% differently on various sites!

One Buff Gaiter might have a flash sale on REI site last Friday?  when I first saw it.  It was a sale price around $19.  Yesterday when I pulled it up from bookmark - the darn thing is back to $30.   BUT,  identical technology same brand name Buff,  very very similar print (wild life with a grizzly) - it is available on Amazon at $12 !!!

Another thing probably most others already knew - I found Amazon often price same products by different colors and sizes, based on its inventory level on the item no doubt.

