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回答: Airbnb問題請教,見跟帖anmom2022-07-10 19:14:18

幾年前去歐洲訂過一次Airbnb,已經沒啥印象了,昨天訂了巴黎一周Airbnb,今天收到host 兩個message,

有點不太明白, host讓我重新訂但把七天改成一天,好像我照樣付款,但host可以多拿些錢,不知我理解的對不對,


這是我收到的:I’d really appreciate if we can keep one day only on airbnb (so air cover stills protects us) and the rest outside, otherwise I’m getting huge taxes. 

we don't even need to do it outside the platform for the rest of the money. Here is what I can do. edit the booking to one day, you can send the rest money via airbnb, everything remains via airbnb, nothing to worry about.

