南非 - 好山好水好風光


上篇寫了我最喜歡的野生動物園Kruger NP。https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/travel/644074.html


1. 南非西北部,Panorama Route的好山好水;

2. 西蒙鎮看企鵝,參觀國家植物園;

3. 開普敦。

下一篇應該是覆蓋我們行程開始時的private tour。

照片的說明都是當年用英語在Google  photo上留下的,再次說明一下。

我們自駕從Kruger NP 西北麵的Phalaborwa Gate出來,headed to Panorama Route (Blyde river canyon)。給自己留了一天一夜時間看看南非西北部的好山好水,第二天中午再去機場還車飛往開普敦。

wiki上抄一段:The Panorama Route is a scenic road in South Africa connecting several cultural and natural points of interest. The route, steeped in the history of South Africa, is in Mpumalanga province, centred around the Blyde River Canyon, the world's third largest canyon.

1.1 Blyde River Canyon's Three Rondavels,a stunning rock formation and look like the African traditional native beehive huts, but on a vastly bigger scale.


1.2 Mini-waterfalls in the pothole park


1.3 Blyde River Canyon at Pothole


1.4  pothole


1.5 Those are north Sotho women performing in the park


1.6 TSONGA women, from the NORTHERN PROVINCE,  are wearing their traditional ‘Tshibelani’ dress and dancing by shaking their hips sideways in a very tantalising movement.


1.7 來一段我拍的她們hips shaking舞蹈的小視頻,這個百褶就顯出來了。

1.8 the skirts have over a hundred pleats, 好看的百褶裙, 比我們小時候穿的百褶裙褶子多多了。


1.9 沿途的彩色石頭立柱


1.10 Famous God's Window. We found it similar to China's HuangShan cloud and mist. “上帝的窗戶”像不像黃山的雲霧?


1.11 第二天早上露水下的植物分外翠綠


1.12 This is how African women carrying things around, at Pilgrim's Rest, the historical mining town


1.13 遠處抓拍,看不清是男士還是女士。臉和頭箍像男士,衣服那麽色彩鮮豔又不那麽確定。


1.14 The water fall on Sabie River at Sabie


1.15 Long Tom Pass on road R37


1.16 Mountain viewed from R37 from Sabie to Lydenburg。看看左邊的山體像不像五個腳指頭?



飛到開普敦就沒有再租車。住在Holiday Inn Express,就在市中心的步行街上,走路可到大部分景點,長途汽車站和火車站。

從開普敦我們坐汽車去了郊區的植物園,坐火車Southern Line train去了Simon‘s town (最後一站)看企鵝。那火車最後一大段貼著海邊開,景色美極了。


2.1 Simon's Town beach. The cloud covered Table Mountain like a white hat. 



2.2  海邊走走很暇意


2.3 從Simon 港口看過來。


2.4 Corymbia ficifolia, beautiful tree in Simon's Town



2.6 Simon‘s Town is famous for Penguin at Boulders Colony。有上千隻非洲企鵝在這裏棲息。我們去時正是mating season,放眼望去,一對對伴侶好親熱。


2.7 光天化日下也不在乎。


2.8 這一對閉著眼睛kiss,kiss,甜甜蜜蜜,恩愛有加,讓人妒忌。


2.9 非洲企鵝個頭不大,它們認準了這塊風水寶地。


2.10 Kirstenbosch National Botanic Gardens, which is home to over 22,000 indigenous plants.


2.11 Leucospermum oleaefolium, 找不到合適的中文翻譯。


2.12 Roella Bryoides,僅在南非的稀有品種。


在開普敦住了三天,住在Holiday Inn Express Cape Town City Centre。因為不租車,旅館的地理位置很重要。這個旅館比美國的好很多,家具modern,床舒適,早餐豐富,出門就是市中心的步行街。第一天步行到碼頭和市裏轉了一圈;第二天是去上麵寫的Simon's Town 和植物園,第三天是晚上的飛機,白天去了博物館和教堂,逛街。好像時間安排的不緊湊,可以去更多的地方,可能老公已經累了。


開普敦雖然是南非第二大城市,治安比北麵第一大城市約翰內斯堡及周邊好多了,沒有看到那麽多圍牆上再加鐵絲網的奇觀。開普敦也是南非的首都之一,立法首都,國會及很多政府部門座落於此。氣候也好,雖然四季分明但是溫度變化沒有那麽大。每每旅行到比芝加哥氣候好的地方,我們的神經都要被撥動一下, 來不來此地退休?


3.1 We are in Cape Town now, its beautiful waterfront,Table mountain is in the background.


3.2 We went waterfront twice and now it is sunset time, as you can tell from the red bricked wall of the clock tower. 日落時分又去了一次。


3.3 Very nice collection of stone statues by Africa Trade Port。 非常喜歡這些造型,不是太重的話搬一個回來。

3.4 art collections outside of the gallery "Africa Trade Port"


3.5 More art collections inside of Africa Trade Port building。


3.6 Stylish bar with blue lighting


3.7 happy Xhosa women with their traditional costume and face-painting。這次南非行看到不少少數民族婦女,衣著,舉止, 笑臉都透著幸福滿滿,我看到她們也覺得特別開心。


3.8 We were told this is a type of fig tree, with roots hanging out in air (manually trimmed)。


Company Gardens 是南非最早的garden,建於1965‘s, 當時是為了種植蔬菜。它離我們旅館也很近,環境優美,free to public. The Company is short for the Dutch East Indian Company.


3.9 The statue in Company Gardens and Table Mountain in the background.


3.10 National Art Gallery 也在這個公園裏


3.10 Egyptian Goose family at Company Gardens


3.11 Aloe tree in Company's Gardens


3.12 In Company's Gardens we saw at least three weddings. This group is Malays, originally brought into Cape Town as slave laborers along with the Indians.

A Synagogue is outside of the Company's Garden,


3.13 Cape town famous flower market


3.14 South Africa national flower Protea 帝王花(Protea cynaroides)又名普蒂亞花,是南非共和國的國花。其植株壽命可達百年以上,是山龍眼科的代表植物之一。我們在飛機場還看到有人帶此花回家。


3.15 Fresh fruits and vegetables stands at Cape town Church Square


3.16 Painting from Iziko South Africa Museum of Cape Town。怎麽覺得有點中國套色版畫的味道。


3.17 School is on holiday, here are Zulu young musicians playing next to Parliament. 跳的真好,非洲人天生能歌善舞啊。一段我拍的他們舞蹈的小視頻放在文末。


3.18 Canadian's documentary film was making on the street of Cape Town。拍電影呢,不然快逃。


3.19 Cape town City Hall at Grant Parade, where Mandela addressed the nation when he was released from prison.


3.20 Old Town House, was served as City hall, now is an art gallery


3.21 Parliament, it is used during summer time for 6 months.


3.22 The traditional Dutch building next to our hotel at St George's Mall


3.23 市中心的步行街,我們旅館下樓就是它,這街上還有一家中國餐館。在中餐館遇到一行中國旅遊團的包桌,他們一天玩了很多地方,比我們更高效。


24. Cape Town Long Street, where many galleries and design studios along with restaurants and bars.


3.25 the oldest Dutch Reformed Church: Groote Kerk, meaning Great Church. There is no beam or pillar supporting the roof. 其貌不揚的最古老的荷蘭教堂,無梁無柱支撐屋頂。


3.26 Dutch church Groote Kerk, each box was assigned to a rich family at an old time.


3.27 This altar in Groote Kerk is quite unique in its design, the Cape lions (now extinct) at the bottom and the anchor is the symbol of "the Good Hope Cape"  where the dutch sailer decided this is where they would settle.


3.28 Groote Kerk claims to house the country's largest organ, which was installed in the 1950s and has an incredible 5917 pipes.

你有沒有注意到這些荷蘭曆史建築 Company's Gardens, 市中心的Dutch building,上麵這個Dutch Church。






