夫人和我喜歡遊輪旅行,至今連2次內河遊輪一共乘了40次,在船上度過了 530天之多,連帶內陸遊,到訪了97個國家和地區,加上明年春季訂好的遊輪就突破100個國家了。2019是crazy的一年,乘了9個遊輪,從南極到冰島,格陵蘭 ,從跨大西洋到跨太平洋,在船上度過了130+天。順便這裏也把乘過的遊輪記錄附在後麵供參考。
最近剛從日本遊輪回來,趁熱挑了些日本的秋景照片貼在這裏與大家分享。本人有一個旅遊影集在網上,有興趣的可以查看:johnliuphotography.zenfolio.com 。 謝謝。
1. 姬路城
2 - 6. 京都
7. 鹿兒島
8 - 11 . 北海道 函館
12 - 14 青森
13 雪中我們的船
15 - 19 東京
20 - 23 箱根 蘆之湖
24 - 28 大阪
27 秋天裏的櫻花
29 - 32 京都嵐山
33 京都
34 高知
35 - 37 鹿兒島, 正在噴發的櫻島火山
38 - 39 清水, 從船上看到的富士山
39 清水鬆塬的月夜
40 藝伎表演
December 2005 Celebrity Galaxy 11 day Panama Canal
November 2006 Celebrity Mercury 11 day Mexico Riviera
March 2008 Carnival Destiny 7 day East Caribbean
June 2008 Celebrity Millennium 7 day Alaska
March 2009 Norwegian Jade 12 day East Mediterranean
August-September 2009 Celebrity Century 12 day North Europe
November 2010 Emerald Princess 12 day South Caribbean
November 2011 Celebrity Solstice 12 day West Mediterranean
May 2012 Carnival Magic 7 day West Caribbean
December 2012 Carnival Triumph 5 day West Caribbean
February 2013 Carnival Splendor 48 day S American
Leg 1 18 day From Long beach, ca to Santiago (Valparaiso), Chile
Leg 2 12 day From Santiago, Chile to Buenos Aires, Argentina
Leg 3 18 day From Buenos Aires, Argentina to New York
October 2013 Celebrity Solstice 12 day Australia New Zealand
November 2013 Celebrity Millennium 16 day Sydney to Singapore
April 2014, Caribbean Princess 7 day, Galveston RT
October 2014 Celebrity Constellation 11 day Holy land Istanbul to Rome
November 2014 Celebrity Constellation 16 day Cross Atlantic Rome to Ft. Lauderdale
December 2014, Holland America Statendam 30-day, Hawaii, Pacific islands
October 2015, Royal Caribbean Legend of the Seas, 10-day, Hong Kong - Singapore
January 2016, Royal Caribbean Quantum of the Seas, 6 days, Shanghai RT Japan
April 2016, Princess Caribbean Princess 21-day, Houston-Southampton, England
May 2016, Princess Caribbean Princess 12-day, British Islands, Southampton RT
May 2016, Royal Caribbean Navigator of the Seas 9-day, Spain, Portugal, Southampton June 2016, Royal Caribbean Serenade Of The Seas, 11-day, Norway, Copenhagen RT
January 2017, Celebrity Constellation, 15-day, Abu Dhabi to Singapore
October 2017, Celebrity Infinity, 16-day, Panama Canal eastbound
April 2018, Royal Caribbean Vision of the Seas, 16-days, Galveston-Barcelona
May 2018, Monarch Baroness, 7-days, Danube River cruise, Budapest-Passau
September 2018, MS Zosima Shashkov, 10-days, Russia river, St Petersburg-Moscow
October 2018, Norwegian Breakaway, 14-days, Copenhagen-NY
February 2019, Silver Cloud, 10d, Ushuaia RT, Antactica
February 2019, Celebrity Eclipse, 11d, Buenos Aires RT, Brazil
March 2019, Star Princess, 16d, Santiago – LA
May 2019, Emerald Princess, 15d, Ft Lauderdale-Barcelona
May 2019, Royal Caribbean Vision of the Seas, 12d, Barcelona-Greece Isles RT
July 2019, Holland America, Zuiderdam, 17d, Rotterdam – Boston
October 2019, Carnival Splendor, 24 days, LA - Singapore
November 2019, Celebrity Millennium, 14 days, Tokyo TR
November 2019, Celebrity Millennium, 14 days, Tokyo - Hong Kong
匯總:Total 40 cruises, 530 days on ships, 97 countries
Celebrity 178 days
Carnival 91 days
Princess 81 days
Royal Caribbean 80 days
Holland America 47 days
Norwegian 26 days
River cruises 17 days
Silversea 10 days
Future cruise:
February 2020, Norwegian Jade 20 days, Singapore – Dubai
March 2020, Norwegian Jade 22 days, Dubai - Rome
The End。 謝謝臨貼!