Crete 是Aegean Civilization的發源地,母係文明,崇尚和平,自由,平等,個人化,真正的世外桃源。

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回答: 希臘克裏特島遊記(三)澤文H2019-10-23 07:13:57

她的探索精神,文字,壁畫,陶瓷藝術和體育,影響了希臘文明。她同時吸收了古埃及和Mesopotamia 文明,但是與古埃及注重於after life, Cretan 注重於現世。她的sewage 工程可以和17世紀的歐洲相媲美。

And thank you for the Siren info, never know Starbucks logo from that. 

BTW, In the book of Odyssey, Odyssey used wax to cover his ears and was tied to the ship mast by his companions to fend off Siren’s music. 
