要從西雅圖開車去溫哥華, 當天返回。帶上兩個小孩和媽媽。 向大家谘詢幾個問題:
1. 媽媽中國護照,美國綠卡, 不需要申請加拿大簽證和eTA, 對嗎?
2. 關於開車保險: 我是Geico的, 以前每次租車都是有自己的Geico保險。 去溫哥華開車也可以用嗎?
3. 太太不能去。 關於小孩(minor), 查到這些:
“The parent should present:
- the child’s passport
- a copy of the child’s birth certificate, and
- a letter of authorization, in English or French if possible, which is signed by the parent who is not travelling with them and lists:
- the address and telephone number of the parent who is not travelling, and
- a photocopy of that parent’s signed passport or national identity card.