answers to your questions

回答: 蒙特利兒和魁北克的問題WULALAA2016-06-10 16:06:52

Montreal 的植物園和biodorm都在Olympic park這兩個地方一上午嗎                                                                               *botanic park需要差不多將近一天的時間,沒有記錯的話, 裏麵有個中國園. 一上午看2個地方時間非常緊張. 

皇家山和大教堂要多久                                                                                                                                                            *about half of a day                                                                                                                                                        

水世界在那個方位                                                                                                                                                                  *not sure about this one.

In my humble opinion, you should spend 1.5 day in montreal.  First day visit the botanic park and biodome, go to chinatown at night.  2nd day go see the church and 皇家山 and drive to quebec city afterwards.  

魁北克老城一天夠嗎,還想看城外的瀑布,還有什麽特別推薦的                                                                                               *one day should be enough in downtown quebec city, you can go see the water fall the next day.


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