克羅地亞首都 Zagreb

來源: 秋影萍蹤 2016-05-24 19:15:06 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (43527 bytes)
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Zagreb 是一個意外的驚喜。把它列入行程主要是因為要想從 Budapest 去 Croatia,隻有到這裏有直達火車。從火車站出來對麵就是一個大氣的廣場和兩個綠草茵茵的公園,紫色的玉蘭花也正在怒放。沿著公園的林蔭小道往旅館的方向走去,看看兩邊漂亮的建築,再看看當地人牽著的各種 perfectly-groomed 的狗狗們,不知不覺已經喜歡上了這個城市。隻可惜因為拖著行李,沒怎麽拍照。


13世紀的 St. Mark's Church,最喜歡它的彩色房頂


Original Gothic sculptures at the southern portal


Inside St. Mark's Church




Stone Gate, the eastern gate to medieval Gradec Town, now a shrine. According to legend, a great fire in 1731 destroyed every part of the wooden gate except for the painting of the Virgin and Child. People believe that the painting possesses magical powers and come regularly to pray, light candles and leave flowers (from Lonely Planet).


中間紅頂房子就是 Lotrscak Tower,每天12點鳴炮宣告正午的到來


Zagreb Funicular


Dolac Market,物美價廉


市場邊上的 Statue of Petrica Kerempuh



從這裏可以看到Zagreb Cathedral 的兩個塔尖


Zagreb Cathedral 正門


Inside Zagreb Cathedral


教堂前麵的 Mary column






到達 Zagreb 的時候正趕上 Good Friday,晚上的彌散座無虛席,連過道上都站滿了人,虔誠而又悠揚的歌聲時而在教堂中回響。


Ban Jelacic Square


Ban Jelacic statue,  Ban Jelacic was a member of the House of Jelacic and a noted army general, remembered for his military campaigns during the Revolutions of 1848 and for his abolition of serfdom in Croatia (from Wikipedia)


Inside Serbian Orthodox Cathedral


Crkva Ranjenog Isusa 裏的彩繪玻璃窗




Tkalciceva Street




Art Pavilion 前的紫玉蘭正在盛開


在從 Budapest 開往 Zagreb 的途中第一次坐火車過邊境,覺得挺新鮮。匈牙利和克羅地亞警察依次上來檢查證件,各種印章就掛在腰帶上,很方便地就在護照上印上相應的章。車廂沒有坐滿,所以很快又能繼續上路了。


Zagreb 的物價好像比別的克羅地亞城市都便宜,人也非常友善,在街上還有人主動要求和我們合影:)。記得臨走前是在 TripAdvisor 排名第一的 La Struk 吃的午餐,真正的好吃不貴,推薦!





黃昏時分的 Croatian National Theatre



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