
來源: 78級興趣 2015-07-24 09:11:45 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (5315 bytes)



MasterCard has just released its annual travel study, the Global Destination Cities Index, ranking 132 destination cities around the world in terms of total international overnight visitor arrivals and cross-border spending.
London came first in the study for the second year in a row. Bangkok?lost its first place ranking in 2013, largely due to political unrest.
London will welcome 18.82 million overnight visitors in 2015 whereas Bangkok will receive 18.24 million. London and Bangkok have taken the top two spots in the MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index for the last five years.
倫敦將在 2015 年迎來1882萬過夜遊客,而曼穀遊客將到達1824萬。過去五年中,倫敦和曼穀在萬事達卡全球旅遊目的地城市排名中一直占據冠亞軍寶座。
"This is an impressive achievement and it is similar qualities that have kept them both at the top," said Eric Schneider, group head of MasterCard Advisors, Asia-Pacific.
“這是一個令人印象深刻的成就,兩個城市相似的特征是他們穩居前兩名的法寶,”萬事達亞太地區諮詢顧問部負責人埃裏克 · 施耐德說道。
"Despite their size, they are both relatively easy to navigate for a tourist, and even in Bangkok, English is often all you need to get around.     Food and culture are also available in abundance. Finally, it’s the unique and seemingly limitless heritage, from temples to palaces in Bangkok or churches and castles in London, that keep enticing tourists to make the trip."
Of the top 10 destinations, five are in Asia: Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul and Hong Kong .
十大旅遊勝地中五個都位於亞洲:曼穀、 新加坡、吉隆坡、首爾和香港。
"Against a background of generally weak global economic growth and anemic pace of exports, a vibrant tourism sector is providing a powerful boost to income and job creation in Asia-Pacific," said Dr. Yuwa Hedrick-Wong, chief economist and chair of the Academic Advisory Council at the MasterCard Center.
"在全球經濟增產普遍疲軟,出口貿易不景氣的情況下,充滿活力的旅遊行業可以促進亞太地區收入,創造更多就業機會”,萬事達中心學術諮詢委員會主席,首席經濟學家Yuwa Hedrick-Wong博士說道。
The report points out a lack of diversity in the source of tourism arrivals for some Asian cities. The top five visitor groups coming to Bangkok, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for example, are all from the Asia-Pacific region.
Istanbul has the most diverse visitors, with half of its inbound tourists coming from 33 different countries. Diversifying sources of visitors means a higher resilience against long term economic instability, according to the report.
伊斯坦布爾遊客來源最廣泛,其中一半入境遊客來自 33 個不同的國家。該報告指出,旅客來源多樣化意味著城市抵禦經濟不穩定的能力較高。
Top 10 destination cities for 2015 (by projected visitor arrivals)
2015 年全球十大旅遊目的地城市(預計遊客數量)
1. London
2. Bangkok
3. Paris
4. Dubai, UAE
5. Istanbul
6. New York
7. Singapore
8. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
9. Seoul
10. Hong Kong

1, 巴黎,2,倫敦,3,紐約,4, 慕尼黑柏林等德國城市,5,新加坡,6,羅馬,7,東京,8,巴塞羅納,9,杜拜,10,維也納


你最後有個城市排名,是要參加活動嗎? -tang07059- 給 tang07059 發送悄悄話 tang07059 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/24/2015 postreply 11:35:20

免費活動? 當然響應班主活動哈 -78級興趣- 給 78級興趣 發送悄悄話 78級興趣 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/24/2015 postreply 12:23:13

按預計遊客數量計,十大旅遊勝地五個在亞洲。 -幑寧- 給 幑寧 發送悄悄話 幑寧 的博客首頁 (51 bytes) () 07/25/2015 postreply 16:17:03

香港新馬泰入境遊客中很多來自中國旅遊者,中國人給這些地方帶來很大比例入境者。 -78級興趣- 給 78級興趣 發送悄悄話 78級興趣 的博客首頁 (190 bytes) () 07/25/2015 postreply 18:25:17



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