Trip to Europe (Amsterdam)

本帖於 2015-05-20 12:45:20 時間, 由普通用戶 seattle.rain 編輯

最近與女友做了一次歐洲火車遊,  Amersterdam  Budapest,一路學習好多, 從如何簡單打包, 到如何看地圖認路, 到如何搞清歐洲鐵路時間表, 當然還有歐洲文化地理與風俗, 覺得收獲特別大, 一路寫了好多隨記, 零零散散, 我就搬過來, 與愛旅遊的分享一下。。。

路程是從 Amsterdam, Brussels, Luxembourg, Lucerne, Vienna, Prague, 最後是 Budapest. 一路都是做火車, 有兩晚是睡鋪.


1) 先從 Amsterdam, 選了一套專們Amsterdam Jordan district 民居房子和canal 上的boat house. 老房子,曆史很久了,人們就住在水邊[微笑][微笑],好像都是年輕人住這樣的地方,周一是荷蘭的king'sday will be crazy day. Lots of parties will be held on the water. 照片顯示的是瘋狂夜於白天前的安靜時候。。。。最後一張是 Amsterdam coffee house ,這裏不是傳統意義的coffee house [微笑],是吞咽吐霧的地方,圖片是一個有名的house,很讓我失望,我網上研究後以為是像Starbucks 那樣的地方,舒適悠閑,大家邊吸邊聊天,氣氛很好的地方,看了真實的後,完全失去興趣,見得都是一幫看著頹廢的年青人在裏麵,還絕大多數是男士,本來拉著女友還想體驗一把,結果不想了,女友說我'有賊心,沒賊膽'其實是覺得環境太不小資了

Two museums in one day. Exhausting. One of my wish is to see Van Gogh masterpieces. I did it. Girl friend is amazed by Rembrandt collection. We are lucky since the exhibition collect almost full collection of Rembrandt pieces from the world. She particularly likes the one piece which we took photo together 



