I learned a lot from this forum that I really appreciate everyone's post. To give it back, thought I should also share what I have just experienced:
I made an all-inclusive hotel reserveration via one of the popular online travel sites (sorry, do want to mention the name)
2 weeks ago. I received a confirmation e-mail right after with all the correct info: 3 guests in a 2 double bed room.
However, after I read one of the posts here saying her AI reservation was screwed up at the time of her registration, I decided to call the hotel directly today to confirm my booking. To my surprise, I was told the reservation was for 2 guests with a king bed room. Then I was told that I should call the travel agent to make the correction. After couple calls and long waiting including line got dropped off in the middle, etc., I finally got hold of a person who's pretty nice to help me. Then I called the hotel again to confirm the change. Yes, the room type was corrected , but the number of guests was still wrong (for the AI, # of guests is tighted with the cost)....
Anyhow, long story short, lesson learned:
AWAYS confirm with the hotel or airline after your researvation, and do NOT assume your e-mail confirmation is always reliable.
ps: sorry for the long writing in English