back from mexico city

Just back from mexico city.
Thanks all for your recommendations.
Found that mexico city is kind of like china in 10 years back.
Too many people but still worth visiting.
We went to the Sun & Moon pyramis with Amigor tours booked from
We also spent 1 day in the Zoo. It is free & open 6 days except Monday.
To be safe, you better stay in the hotel zone and near The "Reforme Blvd".
Strongly recommend the " Hotel Bristol"
And avoid:
Hospedaje Puerto Mexico Aeropuerto
And airport zone. I heard several gun shotting midnight in Aeroprot zone.
The taxi from airport to Brustol hotel is about $150-$200 pesos and
you can bargin the price.


"The taxi from airport to Brustol hotel ...and you can bargin th -Modbus- 給 Modbus 發送悄悄話 (51 bytes) () 12/31/2013 postreply 15:36:45
