回複:舊金山之旅(一) 革命聖地中國城

本文內容已被 [ jiujingshan ] 在 2013-11-05 18:19:32 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.
回答: 舊金山之旅(一) 革命聖地中國城fisherke2013-11-02 21:11:42

There are some mistakes in thsi article:

1. San Francisco is not a big city, only has 700k population, it is second big city in Bay Area, San Jose is the biggest city in Bay Area. It is not west coast big city.
2.San Fracisco Bay Area has 6 million population, there are two bays, San Francisco bay and San Pablo Bay. it is 100 miles long, and 20 miles wide.
There are 9 countys, and over 30 cities around the bay.
3. San Francisco city is teh second biggest city in Bay area. not in California.
