Run, Tang Laoshi, Run! Did you tell your students you are runni

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回答: 今日中國:再訪貴州鄉村小學(2013)dztang2013-09-23 20:09:42

They will be cheering for you :-)

Often times, such charity work is considered as a one way street - "givers" supporting/helping the underprivileged.  Look at what kids like 楊麗平/楊春雨 are telling us: "我隻希望我的家鄉不會變,因為一顆顆大樹是我的回憶;這也是我的家鄉,如果把我的家鄉變美,但我們的大山也要毀了;我隻希望有大高山,有大樹,有清澈的水,我也快樂;我隻要有一顆顆樹林的車路,這樣我的家人就不用走路去趕集了;如果把我們這裏做成了大城市,空氣就不好了,我們家鄉的空氣就很好"  Much value and lessons to be learned from a 5th grader in her simplest words.

It is a two way street - you are not just giving, you also benefit; you don't just teach, you also learn...

(Sorry, can't type Chinese)
