If you go there again, I highly recommend you get a octopus card

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回答: “Hong Kong、Hong Kong,和你在一起”tang070592011-03-06 11:18:08

it is so convenient and save you money and time.

For example, you can skip the ticket line at the peak tram if you use octopus card. And they only charge your card when you scan it, 25 HKD for going up, 11 HKD for coming down, cheaper than ticket price at the window , and even better (no ticket wasted) when you decide not to take the peak tram down like you did. Buses, shops, even restraurants take octopus card. And when you are ready to leave Hong Kong, you can surrender your card and get everything back except 7 HKD (admin fee).


記下了,多謝。香港肯定會再去很多次。 -tang07059- 給 tang07059 發送悄悄話 tang07059 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/07/2011 postreply 09:58:32

有時間也過海到澳門走走吧! 自從賭場開放外資後,居民所得一下子超過香港 -gulala- 給 gulala 發送悄悄話 (25 bytes) () 03/07/2011 postreply 13:21:37

澳門也去了,會另開一帖,就沒提。 -tang07059- 給 tang07059 發送悄悄話 tang07059 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/07/2011 postreply 13:46:45
