Few names on top of my head

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回答: 非洲看鳥HawaiiBlue2010-06-30 07:02:43

1. Weaver
2. I bet it is a close relative to European Starling, which is commonly seen in North America now.
3. Grackle?
4. We have red tailed and red shouldered hawks here in North America
5, 6 Looks like Kill-deer
7. Africa Roller, in Bea Eater family
8. Forgot its name now, but we have game birds in the USA, very like this.
10, 11, Ostrich
12, 13, Stoke
14. In sparrow family
15. Looks like water thrush here, probably in warbler family

You also have vultures, cranes, and herons, etc


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