Thanks a lot! - I feel a need to watch it to develop my simpaphy

來源: Desertman 2009-09-17 15:28:41 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1021 bytes)
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to the Hub*****urgs and the Great Austria - Former Holy Roman Empire. It is an important link of the ancient world (Greek and Rome) and present, and it's a big shame that they were destroyed/dismentled by Britain and France after Wolrd Warld War I, after having be so glorious for near 1000 years.

The Byzantine (Eastern Rome which existed 1000 years longer than the West half) as an state was also primarily destroyed by their Christian brothers - the 4th (or 5th?) crucaders from West Europe and Italy sacked the city, robbed it entirely, which weakend the state such that when next wave Turk invaders arrived, it had no resource (human and economical) left to protect itself.

They Western civilization is indeed that of pirate - they would simply kill and rob each other whenever convinient. They are naturally more cruel to the other civilizations.

By learning the past, we know and understanmd present world much better. And watching that film would certainly contribute to it. Thanks again :-)


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