
來源: 4arku 2007-04-03 15:56:32 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (5048 bytes)

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今天晚上,幾位歐盟同部門的家夥為慶祝我的入夥,跑到旅館拉我出去慶賀.喝完酒,幾位鬼妹妹興猶未盡,強迫幾位男青年去看電影.而且是愛琴片come back.出門前,她們專門到比利時有名的電影網站上找到的.女主角Barrymore,本人比較迷戀。問鬼魅妹們,怎麽知道我喜歡這個女子的? 並且深入淺出地解釋了大中華中的一個成語:心有靈犀一點通。 大約十分鍾後,外國友人們紛紛理解,紛紛表態,其中有一兩個鬼魅與我可以一點通。 我點頭表示同意他們的分析,並進一步在哲學含義上闡述了分析的正確性。這個比利時電影網站很有用,以後想到比利時看電影時刻表用得著:http://www.cinenews.be/Movies.Detail.cfm?MoviesID=5282〈=fr

看完電影回來,應邀去一點通的小房子裏測試。她們瘋時,我邊偷拍,邊思考人類的重大命題:女人喝醉了以後,世界會是什麽樣子的。回到房間,已經是淩晨了。過了睡覺時間,再也睡不著了,洗個澡後,居然不想睡了。 年紀大了。 到新華社網站去發表重要著作時,居然不讓我注冊,愛國熱情損害了0.01%. 早上多吃一點,將受傷的愛國熱情不回來。 布魯塞爾的巧克力種類多到無法記錄了,就像世界上的愛情一樣。When the espresso is cooling down on the table, I figured out to see more around the world or to link yourelf to your world, you need head up on and over to what is always inspiring. As I have a little organization in my life, one of my goals for this year is to participate in this consistent exciting part of life. I found it to be way easier than flying by the seat of my pants trying to think of what to have for supper. And the thing I like about it, it's a general outline, not set in stone, so that if something comes up, like it did for me last week, I can just bump that meal to the next week. But I know I'll have the ingrediants, and it will take care of one day into the next week. And so on and on ......

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•  在布魯塞爾的春天 (1)
•  女兒上大學(古龍版)
•  一道小學數學題,90%的大學生不能在1小時內證明


奇怪這一篇的點擊高很多啊... -echoo- 給 echoo 發送悄悄話 echoo 的博客首頁 (67 bytes) () 04/04/2007 postreply 08:29:07

看來起名一定要有"成"字在裏麵. -王醫生- 給 王醫生 發送悄悄話 王醫生 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/04/2007 postreply 08:59:04

Did you see any 成年人的夜生活 from this post? Why I didn't -pollyli- 給 pollyli 發送悄悄話 pollyli 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/04/2007 postreply 10:13:57



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