回複:I worried that she will still have the record of arrest

來源: 20631 2006-01-18 08:22:40 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (552 bytes)
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回答: Same experience206312006-01-17 11:53:46
No she won't, for the first time offender, they will surely dismiss the case, that means no record what so ever. My friend stored something from Walmat, got arrested, went to the court. Spent whole morning waiting in the court, 30 seconds talking to the prosecutor and case dismissed. They he went back to the police dept a few years later to check criminal record. They didn't even have his case anymore. They sign the non-criminal paperwork and he got his green card last year. So it appears a big deal to the people but it's nothing really.


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