Tennessee Penal Code

來源: 66196 2006-01-16 17:28:04 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (957 bytes)
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Theft of property valued less than $500 is a Class A misdeneanor in Tennesee and subject to a sentencing of 11 months 29 days in prison AND up to $2500 in fine. You'd better talk to the prosecuting attorney to drop the charge, by asserting that this is the first time offense, promisng you would never do that again, and asserting that you return the goods. Don't do the crime if you can not do the time. Try your best to prevent the case go to trial. You have a better that the prosecution has to prove your actual intent. Larceny is a specific intent crime, which is defined that taking and carrying away other;s property with intent to deprive the possession permanently. Prosecution has the hurdle to prove the intent beyond reasonable doubt. You and the public defender have to make up a strategy that you mistakenly put the goods in bad and simply forgot to pay. It is up to the prosecution whether to accept this theory and drop the charge.


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