Chinese kids live a burdensome life,

來源: One1618 2020-10-05 13:54:09 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (921 bytes)
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回答: Good point!香草仙子2020-10-05 11:53:25


burdens loaded on their shouders by the parents.

Their objective-self is encroached upon.  Their subjective-self is eroded and cannot develope well to cover their objective-self.  Maturity is stunted and delayed.

But nature has a way to protect itself.  With avoidance, they instinctively try to escape further loading.  When it becomes a reflex, problems follow into adulthood.

Try to help rather than making demand.  Goals should be reachable with reasonable effort.  Otherwise, they'll just give up and shut you out.


(Above are generalizations. 借題發揮.  A child's temperament has many factors.  Try not to label a child, such as "introvert".  If interested, you can look up "ocean test" for the orthognal measures of personality.)
