The only thing has to do with the Chinese part of me

來源: elfie 2023-12-02 13:03:15 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (737 bytes)
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is I still come to this stupid place due to boredom. WXC is a place that doesn't require using my brain, only my finger tips.

There's no Chinese people in my life anymore. My family is entirely American, my children are American.  My relatives are non Chinese, white people. There's very few Chinese living in the town I live, besides a few restaurant workers and housewives. Chinese takeouts are in every corner of the country. But I don't ever buy Chinese food from them. I don't even cook Chinese food, only occasionally buying soy sauce and hot pepper sauce from the online store. Fair enough?  There are people like me living totally fine.





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