綠詩人說得不錯哦!希望你的圓越畫越圓。:) 這個話題讓我想起以前寫的一篇小文

Willingness to BE Happy

Lying on the trampoline in the backyard, watch the blue sky over me. It's so peaceful, even the noises from the cars driving by can't disturb this peaceful feeling. 

A vulture is circling around. Maybe she is searching for food. She is so graceful even when she is hungry. Two small birds fly back and forth chasing each other. Are they playing the “Tag, you're it” game or are they mad at each other? Crows are noisy. They never worry about how other creatures would think of them. They voice their emotions loudly and freely. Today, even their croaking does not bother me. 

I'm in a good mood and feeling groovy. 

What is happiness? At this moment, I feel happy. 

Happiness I think is not about what you have or you have what you deserve to have. It’s a state when you don't have much desire and when you are in harmony with the environment. Those wants could make us unhappy. We are often told  we deserve to have this and that, and we keep yearning for things we believe we deserve. We go after those things without knowing what really makes us happy. We don't really need much to be happy. What we need first and foremost is the willingness to be happy.

I'll consider that I have a happy day if I have some happy moments on that day.

Translated by Google (With some editing):

躺在後院的蹦蹦床上,看著頭頂上的藍天。 好安靜,就連汽車駛過的噪音也無法打擾這種寧靜的感覺。





