
唱搖滾的女歌手不多,唱得好的就更少。來自愛爾蘭的The Cranberries 是我喜歡的一支搖滾樂隊。主唱是位女歌手,她有個響亮的名字:德洛麗絲Dolores。如果說同樣來自愛爾蘭的女歌手Enya的歌聲是來自仙境般的飄柔,而Dolores的歌聲卻如同深穀的清泉飛流直下,回響不絕。


電視劇西部世界中的德姐Dolores 說過Beauty is a lure. The Cranberries 到美國首次演出時,主辦方也沒多想,找了個能容納3000人的場地,讓五個警察維持秩序。沒多久主辦方就意識到犯了巨大的錯誤。演出還沒開始,就已經出現了1萬多名狂熱的歌迷。演出被迫推遲了40分鍾,剛唱完一首半歌,警察 就說沒法控製場麵,讓樂隊停下來。當歌迷聽說樂隊不會回來演唱,極其憤怒,立馬板磚,啤酒瓶,還沒吃完的食物一齊飛向警察。還來隻能請來更多的防爆警察才控製了場麵。


讓The Cranberries 成名的是Dolores寫的Zombie。從上個世紀六十年代到九十年代後期,北愛爾蘭的尋求獨立的共和軍同英國戰鬥了幾十年。93年的一次爆炸事件中,有兩個無辜的小孩受傷死亡。Dolores很傷感,寫了這首充滿憤慨之情的歌曲。


Another head hangs lowly
Child is slowly taken
And the violence caused such silence
Who are we mistaken?

But you see, it's not me
It's not my family
In your head, in your head, they are fighting
With their tanks and their bombs
And their bombs and their guns
In your head, in your head, they are crying


昨天恰巧是 Good Friday Agreement簽訂25年,這期間沒有戰爭,沒有無辜的人受傷死亡。讓人欣慰,在這個紛亂的世界人類還是可以和平共處的。


Dolores為 懷念祖父寫過的一首和柔情的歌,聽得讓人心化。歌詞很美,一幅幅畫麵在婉轉的歌聲中展現在眼前,一個小女孩時而趴在祖父的膝蓋,時而坐在爐火旁,聽爺爺講著故事,在金色的田野上,牽著爺爺的手,一蹦一跳的。爺爺已經去世,而那些美好的回憶還在腦海中縈繞,那些畫麵和場景仿佛還在眼前。這首歌雖然並不是The Cranberries最出名的,我很喜歡。

There was a time, I was so lonely
Remember the time, it was on Friday
You made me feel fine, we did it my way
I sat on your knees every Friday

(We walked in fields of golden hay)
I still recall you
(We walked in fields of golden hay)
I see you in the summer
Jo-o-o-oe, Jo-o-o-oe

I sat on your chair by the fire
Transfixed in a stare taking me higher
Precious years to remember
Childhood fears I surrender

(We walked in fields of golden hay)
I still recall you
(We walked in field of golden hay)
I see you in the summer
Jo-o-o-oe, Jo-o-o-oe




