
本文內容已被 [ dancingwolf ] 在 2023-02-02 21:42:10 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.



麵對白人的歧視,他的絕招是對此人說:you look like a Chinaman too, since you look like a human being too!



You look like a rapist since you look like a human being too!

You look like a racists since you look like a human being too!

You look like a serial killer since you look like a human being too!


AB都是C 子集,那麽Alook like B

再簡化一下,a donkey looks like a wolf, since a donkey looks like an animal too!




告訴你怎麽做,看著他的眼睛懟回去:Yes I am a man from China, so did the native Americans, who crossed the Bering Straight ten thousand years ago! who the hell are you? Rose beef or spaghetti?




