
本帖於 2022-09-23 15:21:04 時間, 由普通用戶 青雨紫煙 編輯

     上周去MoMA欣賞馬蒂斯的“紅色工作室”,而後又被占據了兩層樓高的(整個Marron Family Atrium芭芭拉·克魯格(Barbara Kruger)的“THINKING OF YOU. I MEAN ME. I MEAN YOU.”所吸引。這個開放式的展覽可以從館中多個視口觀看到,從頂層往下看是一種感覺,走進這些文字中又是另一番感覺。當時我並知道芭芭拉·克魯格是誰,置身在展廳中巨型黑與白的文字之中,有一種從四麵八方湧來的壓迫感,不僅是視覺上的衝擊,也是對大腦皮層的一種衝擊。你會不由自主地沉浸其中,警醒的文字讓人陷入思考。

      從頂層往下看,會看到喬治·奧維爾這段名言。這也是這些引言中我唯一認得的一句,因為這句是摘自他的小說《Nineteen Eighty-Four》,我正好讀過。“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever.” 奧維爾和他的許多著作都是反對極權製度的。他的另一部比較有名的少兒讀物是《Animal Farm》,據我所知這本書是很多美國小學生的必讀書籍之一。奧維爾認為Any system that puts too much power into the hands of a few people is doomed to fail. 下樓走在這句話上,我竟然有點不忍下足,幸虧我沒穿靴子,否則真有一種“stamping on a human face”的負疚感。我想這正是克魯格所要達到的讓閱覽者有一種身臨其境的效果,所以她把這句名言寫在地板上。     


From Barbara Kruger’s site-specific installation at MoMA: The floor is covered with an ominous quote from George Orwell.


      在展廳三麵牆上,分別有三幅橢圓形突出文字圖像,讓文字成扭曲形狀,且都以放大的“你”作為醒目的第一行。來看看上麵分別寫了寫什麽。這應該是克魯格自己想對參觀者說的話,突出了“I mean Me; I mean You”的主題。它像一麵鏡子一樣,讓人們反省自己的所作所為,這個社會的所作所為,和每一個人在社會中的作用、影響。一切都是相關聯的,一切都不是可以完全獨善其身的,一切都是我中有你,你中有我,一切都是有consequences的。

東牆上寫的是:“You are seeing and being seen. Caught in the mind's eye. Caught in a world in shambles. This thing called 'You'. This Thing called 'Me'. In this moment. In this place. Right now. Come closer.”

南牆上寫的是:“You are here, looking through the looking glass, darkly. Seeing the unseen, the invisible, the barely there. You.  Whoever you are. Wherever you are. Etched in memory. Until you, the looker, is gone. Unseen. No more. You too.”

西牆上寫的是:“You know that women have served all these centruries as looking glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size. After Virginia Woolf.”

關於Virginia Woolf, 我唯一的印象是Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streap, Julianne Moore三大巨星主演的《The Hours》。這部電影獲得了奧斯卡提名,但最終沒能獲獎,而Nicole Kidman扮演的Virginia Woolf獲得了最佳女主角的殊榮。能為女性發聲的就值得我去尊重和敬仰。我知道Woolf是個非常了不起的二十世紀初的英國女作家,善於使用意識流手法,隻是還沒有機會拜讀她的作品。身為女性必須承認,絕大多數職場仍被男性主導,雖然每一家公司都大力宣傳Equal Oppotunities,但實際上女性要付出多得多的努力才能獲得,尤其是在高層獲得一席之地。這種潛在的對女性和弱勢群體的不公平無處不在,希望我們每一位女性不僅要努力工作,還要努力發聲,大膽地爭取自己應得的權益。










A view of Barbara Kruger’s vertiginous, loquacious new installation that engulfs the atrium of the Museum of Modern Art.



“This is about the You Not I.

This is about a world of Hurt.

This is about looking for the moment when pride becomes contempt.

About wanting one another.

About fearing one another.

About touching one another.

About the war from Me to Become You. I mean Me. I mean You.”


“War Time, War Crime, War Game, Gang War, Civil War, Holy War, Class War, Bidding War, Trade War, Cold War, Race War, World War, War for Peace, War Without End, War for a World Without Women, War for Me to Become You.”


“In the end, something else begins.

In the end, you've had your chance.

In the end, you win or you lose.

In the end, history happens.

In the end, nothing matters.

In the end, all is forgotten.

In the end, anything goes.

In the end, you disappear.

In the end, lies prevail.

In the end, anger fades.

In the end, hope is lost.”


“This is about loving and Longing. About Shaming and Hating. About the Promises of Kindness and the Pleasures of Doing Damage. This is about Crazy Desire and Having a Gift for Cruelty. This is about the Difference between the Figure and the Body. About the Fickleness of Renown. About who gets What and who owns What. About Who is Remembered and Who is Forgotten. Here. In this place.  This is about You. I mean Me. I mean You.”

     這些警醒的文字刺痛了眼睛,刺痛了心靈。她大膽地諷刺著各個階層的“你”,你可以是一國的首腦,你可以是一個政治家,你可以是商業精英,你可以是一個無家可歸者。This is all about you and the age you are living in and you are gone from. 有一種絕望在滋生的同時,讓你想做點什麽。作為一個藝術家,這是芭芭拉·克魯格受邀為MoMA創作的大型委托之作。大膽、真實而又略帶詼諧地用她的作品引導讀者對社會、信仰、關係和權利進行自己獨立的思考,從而喚醒可能對許多問題已經麻木了的我和你。









