周三傍晚新書作者Weitzman-讀者網會 故事翔實 令人感歎:美國 世界居然是這樣運作的!

本帖於 2022-09-19 15:01:01 時間, 由普通用戶 SAR 編輯


周三 美東7-8:30PM 新書作者Weitzman-讀者網會




【特拉華州開放政府聯盟論談 】



<<特拉華州怎麽了? 第一州如何偏袒富人、有權勢的人和犯罪分子 – 以及它如何讓我們所有人付出代價>>

哈爾·韋茨曼 演講及作者




2022 年 9 月 21 日,星期三 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.[美東時間]

通過 Zoom 進行虛擬會議 


但要獲取Zoom鏈接,請點擊下方注冊鏈接: https://www.signup82north.com/beventLive.aspx 


有限責任公司在 1980 年代後期開始傳播,現在是美國企業的主要結構之一。


與傳統公司相比,LLC 具有許多優勢。它們可以用來支付更少的稅。


如今,特拉華州主要出口的是 法律。特拉華州製定的標準很大程度上管轄著美國和世界各地運作。 “在特拉華州注冊的主要好處是不受其他州和國家的公司法限製。”




如果您關心逃稅,如果您關心公司的行為方式以及如何追究他們的責任,如果您關心監管金融部門,如果您關心流入美國政治活動的秘密資金,如果您甚至隻是好奇如果禮品卡丟失在沙發背麵並且永不使用卡裏的錢時 卡上的餘錢怎麽被處理了,你應該關注特拉華州。

在特拉華州注冊的 500 強公司數量接近 350 家(2018年數據)。

到 2020 年,在特拉華州注冊成立的紐約證券交易所上市公司占到 93%。

該州的注冊企業多於居民 — 不足 100 萬人口的特拉華州是僅占美國總人口的 0.3% 左右,卻有約 160 萬家公司在此州注冊。

特拉華州的出口產品是 公司法。




The Delaware Coalition for Open Government Presents 

An Open Forum Book Event


What's the Matter with Delaware? 

How the First State Has Favored the Rich, Powerful, and Criminal – and How It Costs Us All

Author and Speaker Hal Weitzman, Executive Director of Intellectual Capital University of Chicago Booth School of Business 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.[美東時間]


Virtual Meeting via Zoom Free Open to the Public 

The program is FREE, but to receive the Zoom link, please click the registration link below: https://www.signup82north.com/beventLive.aspx 


LLCs begin spreading in the late 1980s and are now one of the leading structures of US businesses. 

LLC has a number of advantage over traditional corporations. they can be used to pay less tax.

Nowadays, Delaware's main export is laws. The standards set in Delaware govern a great deal of life in the United States and across the world. "The main benefit of Delaware incorporation is freedom from restriction by the cooperate laws of other states and countries."

Delaware's influence on US cooperate life is immense. Its cooperate code is the United States' cooperate code. It has effectively set the rules on how much interest credit card companies can charge their customers. It has helped companies and the wealthy individuals avoid paying taxes, harming the public finance of other US states. It has shielded the illicit and unethical use of corporate entities.

If you care about tax dodging, if you care about how corporations behave and how to hold them accountable, if you care about regulating the financial sector, if you care about the secret funding that flies into US political campaigns, if you are even just curious l about what happens to the money on gift cards when the cards themselves get lost down the back of the sofa and the money is never expent, you should care about Delaware.

The number of Fortune 500 companies by State Incorporation in 2018 is nearly 350.

Companies listing on the New York Stock Exchange incorporated in Delaware was 93% by 2020.

The state has more registrated business then residents - about 1.6 million companies in a state with a population of less than 1 million.

Delaware has only about 0.3% of the overall US population.

Delaware exports cooperate laws。

Delaware is critical to the infrastructure of global business.


謝謝阿SAR的信息,爭取聽一聽:) -snowandlotus- 給 snowandlotus 發送悄悄話 snowandlotus 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/18/2022 postreply 14:42:16

謝謝!正確周三上去聽講。:) -為人父- 給 為人父 發送悄悄話 為人父 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/18/2022 postreply 18:10:02

謝謝各位!花點兒時間參與這個網會應該很值得。周三網會報名的方式見內 -SAR- 給 SAR 發送悄悄話 SAR 的博客首頁 (287 bytes) () 09/19/2022 postreply 13:31:58

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