Remember you once called me stupid

來源: 卿寶 2022-07-06 17:16:05 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1344 bytes)
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when I said snowandlotus is hypocritical? You asked me what I have done for my homeland in that post when you called me stupid, right? I chose to ignore at that time because you and your biased comments are always unworthy of my responding time: do you know me? You like judging people by calling them stupid even you know nothing about them, huh?

Who is pretending? Who is hypocritical? Who does not have integrity? I am still telling you I love America more than China. If I don't, I would have gone back to China. That's called integrity - being reconciled between your claim and your behavior.  You people have any faith to either country? Your love is conditional and you are trying to find all kinds of stupid excuses for not going back, like I did not find a job, 祖國嫌我老,中國是赤裸裸的年齡歧視,我買了房子得還房貸,blar blar blar. Ain't you sick of those lies? People like me are consistent inside out. We are far from perfection but we have faith to the oath we took.  You were poor so you could not give 1 yuan to poorer Chinese people in China and you are still poor so you can't donate 1 buck to poorer people here.  How do you understand "不以善小而不為”?Who is “貧二代”?


您一遍遍的攻擊,過分了。不想再跟您多花時間。 -snowandlotus- 給 snowandlotus 發送悄悄話 snowandlotus 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/06/2022 postreply 18:14:57

This is not for you. Suggest you not to come to read like -卿寶- 給 卿寶 發送悄悄話 卿寶 的博客首頁 (39 bytes) () 07/06/2022 postreply 18:20:13



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