I can tell you with great degree of certainty that majority of the oversea Chinese don't think and act like that.
Most of people here, especially right wing extremists, are the people choose not to integrate into mainstream society. They either choose to not understand what democracy means or deliberately misinterpret it for their own purpose.
Majority of the oversea Chinese have accepted the mainstream values and way of conduct. We understand democracy is not the silver bullet that can solve all problems. In fact democracy has limited capacity, is very inefficient and extremely expensive to pursue. But we are willing to do the hard work and pay the price so we can make it work better.
Majority of the oversea Chinese don't act like people here. Most of the oversea Chinese I know are calmer, more objective, and less confrontational. The need of survival is not the only thing matters, and there are things in life that are larger then personal interest. We don't believe "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". We believe in self control and discipline.
Yes there is always concerns about how we will be treated by other people, but I think we understand it is our own responsibility to make our future and our destiny.
I can tell you with great degree of certainty that majority
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07/23/2014 postreply
其實這裏的大多數人也不像你認為的那樣,所謂silent majority,大多認同普世價值觀,其實看看這裏對政治不感興趣的茶客們
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07/23/2014 postreply
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07/23/2014 postreply
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07/23/2014 postreply