電影是介紹 中央戲劇學院的學生的畢業大戲來美國演百老匯劇的經曆, 反映的各種文化碰撞和現在中國年輕人的精神和思想現狀。這部片子是BBC 投資製作的. 導演吳皓是中國人。在美國留學學的生物和工商管理,曾經在中國Travel advisor 和 阿裏巴巴工作。後來棄商從影,做了獨立的紀錄片導演。
如果不夠106個人預買票,這個 screening event 就不能發生(也就不會 charge 票款)。大家抓緊時間! 電影是英語的,歡迎各國觀眾。下麵是英文版的電影信息,如果您因為時間不允許不能來參加,歡迎廣泛轉發給其他朋友,保證顯得你粉有文化粉有品位,希望大家支持這樣,向西方社會通過自己的創造力弘揚中國,關注中國的導演。
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I would like to invite you to a movie documentary screening event scheduled in Princeton Garden Theatre.
If you are interested in this movie, and would like to see this movie screening event happen in our cultured community in Princeton, NJ, please go to the website above to pre-purchase the ticket by May 19. If by May 19, there are not at least 106 people pre-purchased the tickets, the event will not happen. So, please do act fast if you are interested.:-) When the event does not happen, your credit card will NOT be charged. This is a innovative way of setting up movie screening event by leveraging the power of social media (TUGG.com).