This is not about discrimination.

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回答: 從《排華法案》到SCA-5悟空孫2014-02-19 15:02:08

Affirmative action is not with its problems, but it also serves a practical purpose. Asian Americans in general are doing better than other minority groups.  Even though we may all feel we are struggling financially in US, we are better off than most of the Americans. It is time to think about giving back and help other groups, just like the White have been doing. It is not about defending our rights or being fair, it is more like sacrificing our interest for others.

The truth is I think Chinese in mainland need to learn to do the same for the poor there too, if they want to create a harmonious society. Let's face it, the pie will never be big enough for everyone. If the haves don't want to give up anything, the have nots will never get anything.
