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下麵引文標出的紅字,無一不是充滿了某些國人對自己的不自信、和對歐美一廂情願的想象。特別是“白人老太太”——為了充分說明老太太“摳門行為”的正當性,生怕讀者不理解,刻意強調“白人”兩個字。仿佛告訴大家:嗯,下麵的文字描寫的是白人(雅利安人!日爾曼民族! ),所以大家不要笑、要嚴肅,她們的行為是我準備拿來當作標本的……真活脫一副XX的嘴臉。難怪人之所以比別人矮,那是因為他自己先下跪了。“在這樣一個發達國家,人們的生活一定是紙醉金迷燈紅酒綠吧。 ” ——這樣的筆觸怎麽看都像一個上世紀80年代出國的人的口吻,貌似作者是喜歡模仿這樣的口氣,嗬嗬。 





1. 德國社會非常節約,這點完全值得我們所有人學習。所以作者編造這篇文章的立意也許是對的; 

2. 德國是一個恪守法治的國家。你們在餐廳鋪張浪費,大手大腳,這屬於道德問題,會被德國人所鄙視,但沒有任何一個公權力機關會來開罰單幹涉。因為這種行為涉及到公權力對私法上的契約自由的限製,而一但在這種限製上打開了缺口,那麽整個社會的民主性、自由性,包括整個國家的法治性(德文叫 Rechtstaatlichkeit)將會大打折扣。德國機關寧可看見你們浪費一噸飯,也不會為這個而來開罰單,因為這等於為了製止你們的浪費而將整個國家拉回“國家可以為了良好的目的而任意幹涉公民的生活”的狀態,而這種狀態意味著什麽?經曆過第二次世界大戰的德國人非常清楚。 






Germany launches initiative to reduce food waste

Every German throws away over 80 kilograms of food on average per year, according to a study presented in Berlin on Tuesday. Germany's agriculture minister wants that amount reduced by half by 2025.

Agriculture Minister Ilse Aigner launched in Berlin on Tuesday an initiative to reduce the amount of food thrown away in Germany, in a bid to combat an increasing problem of which she said the population was simply unaware.

"We have become a society of abundance and harbor a throw-away mentality," Aigner told journalists," after announcing that over 11 million kilograms of food were thrown away per year in Germany - well over of half (60 percent) of which is from private households.

Aigner's "too good for the bin" initiative will try to educate Germans

The findings suggested that another 20 percent of food waste came from grocery markets, with 17 percent coming from larger consumers such as restaurants and cafeterias.

The study, conducted by the waste management department at Stuttgart University, said that over half of the food thrown away in German households was still edible, prompting Aigner to call for a change in the way the population views and deals with food in the face of the world's ongoing problems with hunger.

Change in mentality

She said it was high time for Germans to realize that wasting food was "unacceptable at a time when hunger remained so predominant throughout the world," and that the government was ready to help provide the necessary information.

Vegetables make up the majority of food waste in Germany

The federal agriculture ministry is planning as part of its "too good for the bin" initiative a website where Germans can read about what foods are to be thrown away when, and what exactly is meant by the "best before date" (MHD) on all food products that could potentially expire.

"Obviously you throw away a banana when it's rotten," said Martin Kranert, chair of Stuttgart University's waste management department, when asked by DW what information Germans still lack with regard to food waste.

"But we found in our study that many people believed they should throw away products as soon as the MHD has expired. This is not at all the case, and such a persisting lack of knowledge is the first thing that has to change," Kranert said.

Wasting resources

The study also stressed the financial impact of throwing away usable products, concluding that the average German throws away some 235 euros per year, or 20 billion euros Germany-wide.

The BVE complained of Germany's 'throw-away culture'

Peter Feller, director of Germany's Federation of Food and Drink Industries (BVE), said that one of the reasons Germans throw away so much food is quite simply that food is "too cheap."

"Consumers wouldn't throw away as much food as they do if it cost more. Of course there are many reasons, but the cheapness of food products has certainly contributed to our throw-away culture," Feller said in an interview with DW.

The agriculture ministry has organized a symposium for the end of this month during which representatives from politics, business and NGOs are to go over ways to make information on food waste more accessible to the population.

Author: Gabriel Borrud
Editor: Joanna Impey



留意所附另一篇資料中也提到不打包差點被德國人開罰單了。 -懶風- 給 懶風 發送悄悄話 懶風 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/01/2014 postreply 06:55:02

你提到法治與人權之重要性不錯! -懶風- 給 懶風 發送悄悄話 懶風 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/01/2014 postreply 09:57:00

感謝支持! -懶風- 給 懶風 發送悄悄話 懶風 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/01/2014 postreply 18:57:25
