Amen! Of course there are many exceptions but all true...

來源: Dan 2013-08-13 18:51:58 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1271 bytes)
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回答: 中國人之間交流的特點FreeTrader2013-08-13 09:05:47
...know a girl from Shanghai, all she cares and talks about among her friends are 1) hair salon, 3) exercise for the sole purpose of maintain her slender figure, 2) easy job with more money 3) so and so have a filthy rich boyfriend and he listens to everything so and so says 4) travel, well...their idea of travel has very little adventuous spirits and they takein very little meanings from the travel. They don't care travel is a tool to enrish their lives. So she traveled 10+ countries and claims the meaning of travel is to "switch places where others have bored from my own places where I feel bored and spent money there" lol

...and she is not alone...guys too.

...when I was little I thought gee if Communism means everyone so good that no one swears then I am afraid that in my generation we're not going to see Communism days because all my pals, me included, swore.

Well, I guess it is very difficult to see China rise to a soft power where people really look up to moral and cultural admiration in any near future, with generation and generations of people there live so shallowly...

No pun intended...I am a chinese myself and can be equally shallow too on occasions lol


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