Also check out the Glenn Beck Show from Fox News:
China's Rise, America's Fall? (aired on January 14, 2011)
The transcript of the words of Jim Rogers (reproduced below):
"The average American has got to start with education, with their children and grandchildren. I have a daughter. When she was in the first grade in Singapore, had more homework than I ever had in any year of my elementary school. She's doing things in the second grade that I'm having trouble helping her with in her math.
"I can't believe what they're demanding of her. It's very rigorous. It's very demanding. And all these kids are working their heads off. She's in the second grade. You know, China produces something like 20 or 30 times as many engineers every year as we do in America. We don't teach math. We don't teach science. We teach self-esteem. In Singapore, you have to earn your self-esteem. You know, you're not told about self-esteem, you have to earn it."