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Glorification of Self-realization



Ashtavakra said ---

1. Oh, the man of understanding, the knower of Self, who plays the game of life,

has no similarity to the deluded beasts of burden of the world.


2. Oh, the yogin does not feel elated abiding in that state which Indra and all

other gods hanker after and thus become unhappy.


3. Surely the heart of one who has known the Self is not touched by virtue and

vice, just as the sky is not touched by smoke, even though it appears to be.


4. Who can prevent that great-souled one, who has known this entire universe

to be the Self alone, from acting spontaneously?


(注解:當一個人醒悟了,他才能超越因果物質和時空的限製,這樣的人才真正擁有了自由意誌free will. 迷惑中的人沒有自由意誌,但他們往往自以為他們擁有,生活在自我欺騙中。)

5. Of the four kinds of created beings, from Brahma down to the clump of grass,

it is the wise one alone who is capable of renouncing desire and aversion.


6. Rare is the man who knows the Self as one without a second and as lord of

the universe. He does what he considers worth doing and has no fear from any



(注解:因為他真正知道世界就是他自己,沒有第二(without a second)).


Four Ways to Dissolution


Ashtavakra said ---

1. You are free from contact with anything whatsoever. Therefore, pure as you

are, what do you want to renounce? Destroy the body-complex and in this way

enter into the state of dissolution.


(注解:他要你不要刻意放棄任何東西,物質,生活,像普通人一樣。唯一要放棄的是自我肉體就是你獨立存在這個錯誤定位: BODY-COMPLEX).

2. The universe rises from you like bubbles rising from the sea. Thus know the

Self to be One and in this way enter into the state of dissolution.


3. The universe, because it is unreal, being manifested like the snake in the rope,

does not exist in you who are pure, even though it is present to the senses. Therefore

in this way enter into the state of dissolution.


4. You are perfect and the same in misery and happiness, hope and despair, and

life and death. Therefore in this way enter into the state of dissolution.



The Higher Knowledge


Ashtavakra said ---

1. Boundless as space am I, and the phenomenal world is like a jar; this is

Knowledge. So it has neither to be renounced nor accepted nor destroyed.


2. I am like the ocean and the universe is like the wave; this is Knowledge. So it

has neither to be renounced nor accepted nor destroyed.


3. I am like mother of pearl and the illusion of the universe is like silver; this is

Knowledge. So it has neither to be renounced nor accepted nor destroyed.


4. I am indeed in all beings, and all beings are in me. This is Knowledge. So it

has neither to be renounced nor accepted nor destroyed.


(注解:他強調了知識是有限相對的。當一個人有了智慧,他不會為知識的局限性而糾結。他既不放棄,也不接受,也不摧毀任何相對的知識,他沒有任何糾結。 隻有沒有悟道的人會為知識的問題爭吵不休。)


Nature of Self-Realization


Janaka said ---

1. In me, the boundless ocean, the ark of the universe moves hither and thither

impelled by the wind of its own inherent nature. I am not impatient.



2. In me, the limitless ocean, let the wave of the world rise or vanish of itself. I

neither increase nor decrease thereby.


3. In me, the boundless ocean, is the imagination of the universe. I am quite

tranquil and formless. In this alone do I abide.



4. The Self is not in the object, nor is the object in the Self which is infinite and

stainless. Thus It is free from attachment and desire, and tranquil. In this alone do I



5. Oh, I am really Consciousness itself. The world is like a juggler’s show. So

how and where can there be any thought of rejection and acceptance in me?



Bondage and Liberation


Ashtavakra said ---

1. It is bondage when the mind desires or grieves at anything, rejects or accepts

anything, feels happy or angry at anything.


2. Liberation is attained when the mind does not desire or grieve or reject or feel

happy or angry.


3. It is bondage when the mind is attached to any sense experience. It is

liberation when the mind is detached from all sense experiences.



4. When there is no ‘I,’ there is liberation; when there is ‘I,’ there is bondage.

Considering thus, easily refrain from accepting or rejecting anything.



(注解,這裏的“I”不是他說的SELF。這個“I”就是指人的小我EGO和BODY COMPLEX. 我們的本質是大我-SELF-SAME)。




Ashtavakra said ---

1. Duties done and not done, as well as the pairs of opposites –- when do they

cease and for whom? Knowing thus, be desireless and intent on renunciation

through complete indifference to the world.

日常生活中的義務做了還是沒做,這是一個對立麵。這種對立麵有停止的時候嗎?為誰停止?了解了這個道理,你就會無欲望, 對於世界保持完全徹底的超脫心。

2. Rare indeed, my child, is that blessed person whose desire for life, enjoyment,

and learning have been extinguished by observing the ways of men.


3. The wise man becomes calm by realizing that all verily is vitiated by the

threefold misery and is transient, unsubstantial, and contemptible, and should be


4. What is that time or that age in which the pairs of opposites do not exist for

men? One who, quitting those, is content with what comes of itself attains



5. What man is there, who having observed the diversity of opinions among the

great seers, saints and yogins, and become completely indifferent to learning, does

not attain quietude?



6. He who gains knowledge of the true nature of Pure Consciousness by

complete indifference to the world, by equanimity, and by reasoning, and saves

himself from the round of birth and rebirth, is he not really the spiritual guide?


7. Look upon the modifications of the elements as nothing in reality but the

primary elements themselves and you will at once be free from bondage and abide in your true self.




8. Desires alone are the world. Do you, therefore, renounce them all. The

renunciation of the desire is the renunciation of the world. Now you may live






Ashtavakra said ---

1. Cultivate indifference to everything, having given up kama (desire) which is

the enemy, artha (worldly prosperity) which is attended with mischief, and dharma

(performance of good works) which is the cause of these two.


2. Look upon friends, lands, wealth, houses, wives, presents and such other

marks of good fortune, as a dream or a juggler’s show, lasting only a few days.


3. Know that wherever there is desire there is the world. Betaking yourself to

firm non-attachment, go beyond desire and be happy.


4. Bondage consists only in desire, and the destruction of desire is said to be

liberation. Only by non-attachment to the world does one attain the constant joy of

the realization of the Self.


5. You are One, Pure Intelligence. The universe is non-intelligent and unreal.

Ignorance also is no real entity. What can you yet desire to know?



6. Kingdoms, sons, wives, bodies and pleasures have been lost to you birth after

birth, even though you were attached to them.



7. Enough of prosperity, desires, and pious deed. The mind did not find repose

in these in the dreary forest of the world.


8. For how many births have you not done hard and painful work with body,

with mind and with speech! Therefore cease at least today.





Ashtavakra said ---

1. He who has realized that change in the form of existence and destruction is in

the nature of things, easily finds repose, being unperturbed and free from pain.


2. He who has known for certain that Iswara is the creator of all and that there is

none else here, becomes peaceful with all his inner desires set at rest, and is not

attached to anything whatsoever.


3. He who has known for certain that adversity and prosperity come in their

own time through the effects of past actions is ever contented, has all his senses

under control, and neither desires nor grieves.


4. He who knows for certain that happiness and misery, birth and death are due

to the effects of past actions, does not find anything to accomplish, and thus becomes

free from care and is not attached even though engaged in action.



5. He who has realized that is care and nothing else that breeds misery in this

world, becomes free from it, and is happy, peaceful and everywhere rid of desires.


6. “I am not the body, nor is the body mine. I am Consciousness itself”—he who

has realized this for certain, does not remember what he has done or not done as if

he has attained the state of Absoluteness.

“我不是肉體,這個肉體也不是真正的我。我是Universal Conciousness自己".任何真正理解這句話的含義的人,他不會記得自己做了什麽,或沒做什麽,他好像已經到達了絕對的存在。


7. “I am indeed in everything, from Brahma down to a clump of grass,” –- he

who knows this for certain, becomes free from conflict of thought, pure and

peaceful, and free from care for what is attained and not attained.


8. He who knows for certain that this manifold and wonderful universe is

nothing, becomes desireless and Pure Consciousness, and finds peace as if nothing





哇,進展很快,多謝。 -zcw0- 給 zcw0 發送悄悄話 zcw0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/11/2012 postreply 20:10:01

真想讓得了焦慮症的親人領悟這些,每一句都是良藥,很對症 -zcw0- 給 zcw0 發送悄悄話 zcw0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/11/2012 postreply 23:33:13

領悟是無法強迫的。常常焦慮本身就是一貼良藥。很多人是經過無法忍受的焦慮,才突然 -miat42- 給 miat42 發送悄悄話 miat42 的博客首頁 (208 bytes) () 10/12/2012 postreply 06:54:15

的確如此,對於親人的病也要用平常心來坦然接受,保證自己把持住了,才有餘力去勸慰。謝謝。 -zcw0- 給 zcw0 發送悄悄話 zcw0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/12/2012 postreply 08:06:05

是。 -miat42- 給 miat42 發送悄悄話 miat42 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/12/2012 postreply 08:48:19

就是米大常說的眼前發生的一切都ok,不排斥病痛,病就不會囂張了吧。 -zcw0- 給 zcw0 發送悄悄話 zcw0 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/12/2012 postreply 10:17:52



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