“The only thing that burns in Hell is the part of you that won't let go of your life; your memories, your attachments. They burn 'em all away. But they're not punishing you, he said. They're freeing your soul. ... If you're frightened of dying and holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away. But if you've made your peace then the devils are really angels, freeing you from the Earth。”
他說,唯一在地獄燒你的就是你的那個不願拋棄的自我意識,比如你的生活,你的回憶,你的牽掛。如果你有這些東西,地獄就會把它們燒掉。但是,不是地獄在懲罰你,而是他們在解救你的靈魂。如果你害怕死亡,牽掛過去的一切,你就會看到魔鬼們把你的所謂的“生命”和牽掛一片片撕去。但一當你和世界MADE PEACE,也就是說放棄你自私的小我,擁抱了大我,這些魔鬼立刻成為天使,把你解放。