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Mark 12:29-34 we have a scribe asking Jesus, “Which is the first commandment of all?" Jesus answered him, "The first of all the commandments is: 'Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. 'And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these." So the scribe said to Him, "Well said, Teacher. You have spoken the truth, for there is one God, and there is no other but He. And to love Him with all the heart, with all the understanding, with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love one's neighbor as oneself, is more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices." Now when Jesus saw that he answered wisely, He said to him, "You are not far from the kingdom of God.



In the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of MatthewJesus says:

You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.









佛陀也說過,每個人都是未來的佛,都有佛心(BUDDA NATURE)。














佛的真正意思是,人根本就是一個相(FORM),並不是真正存在的。為什麽人會出生?因為這個真正的自我(THE SELF)產生了思想(THOUGHT),以為自己不擁有一切,以為自己是個肉體,以為自己是個和周圍分離的個體,好比一個人晚上睡覺,開始做夢,夢見一個自己在夢境中活動。但在夢中,這個夢中的自己是很難發現自己不過是床上真我創造出來的虛幻投影。我們人生就是這樣,不斷地被這個投影迷惑,以為EGO是自己,以為肉體就是真的存在。因為這樣的迷惑,人就會不斷地行動,製造各種因(CAUSE),然後,就必須麵對這許多因造成的果。因為EGO很迷惑,不斷造因,就不斷積累,這生完不了,下生繼續。









下麵是印度聖人RAMANA MAHARSHI經典,他可以說是近代的佛,解釋的很清楚:

When we see our self, there is no world; and when we lose sight of the self, we get ourselves bound in the world.

The self is like a pearl. To find it you must dive deep down into silence, deeper and ever deeper until it is reached.

The self is pure knowledge, pure delight where there is no duality.

The illuminated one who is happy in the peace of the self, without thought of the past and the future, and is like a mere witness of the present, has his knots of bondage cut.

He alone who has realized the self in the heart has known the Truth. Having transcended the dualities, he is never perplexed.

The self cannot be found in books. You have to find it for yourself, within yourself.

A self-realized man remains happy without being affected by false appearances, whereas the ignorant man is miserable.

Seek the source of the ego, abide there for ever in the source and find yourself in bliss.

That pure consciousness which is the reality, and which shines without a break, as "I AM" when the mind becomes calm, is the supreme bliss.

The enlightened one that has become one with the unchanging supreme consciousness, like a river that has become one with the ocean, takes birth no more in a body.

All actions, past, present and future, become extinct in the case of a liberated one, because his sense of being the doer is gone; it was lost along with the ego, who alone was the doer.

You can never find mind through the mind. Go beyond it, and find it non-existent.

How is it possible for the mind to know the Lord who imparts His light to the mind, and shines within the mind, except by turning the mind inward and fixing it on the Lord?

Self realization is cessation of thoughts and of all mental activity. Thoughts are like bubbles upon the surface of the sea.

Stillness means 'being free from thoughts' and yet aware.

Ramana Maharshi about the reality:

Q: Sri Bhagavan often says that maya [illusion] and reality are the same. How can that be?

A: Sankara was criticised for his views on maya without being understood. He said that

(1) Brahman is real,
(2) the universe is unreal, and
(3) The universe is Brahman.

He did not stop at the second, because the third explains the other two. It signifies that the universe is real if perceived as the Self, and unreal if perceived apart from the Self. Hence maya and reality are one and the same.

Q: So the world is not really illusory?

A: At the level of the spiritual seeker you have got to say that the world is an illusion. There is no other way. When a man forgets that he is Brahman, who is real, permanent and omnipresent, and deludes himself into thinking that he is a body in the universe which is filled with bodies that are transitory, and labours under that delusion, you have got to remind him that the world is unreal and a delusion. Why? 

Because his vision which has forgotten its own Self is dwelling in the external, material universe. It will not turn inwards into introspection unless you impress on him that all this external, material universe is unreal. When once he realizes his own Self he will know that there is nothing other than his own Self and he will come to look upon the whole universe as Brahman. There is no universe without the Self.

So long as a man does not see the Self which is the origin of all, but looks only at the external world as real and permanent, you have to tell him that all this external universe is an illusion. You cannot help it. 

Take a paper. We see only the script, and nobody notices the paper on which the script is written. The paper is there whether the script on it is there or not.To those who look upon the script as real, you have to say that it is unreal, an illusion, since it rests upon the paper. The wise man looks upon both the Paper and script as one. So also with Brahman and the universe.

Q: So the world is real when it is experienced as the Self and unreal when it is seen as separate names and forms?

A:Just as fire is obscured by smoke, the shining light of consciousness is obscured by the assemblage of names and forms,the world. When by compassionate divine grace the mind becomes clear, the nature of the world will be known to be not the illusory forms but only the reality.

Only those people whose minds are devoid of the evil power of maya, having given up the knowledge of the world and being unattached to it, and having thereby attained the knowledge of the self-shining supreme reality, can correctly know the meaning of the statement `The world is real.' If one's outlook has been transformed to the nature of real knowledge, the world of the five elements beginning with ether [akasa] will be real, being the supreme reality,which is the nature of knowledge.

The original state of this empty world,which is bewildering and crowded with many names and forms, is bliss, which is one, just as the egg-yolk of a multi-coloured peacock is only one. Know this truth by abiding in the state of Self. 

Source: from Creation theories and the reality of the world chapter, from Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi,edited by David Godman



這個SELF(注意它是個大寫的SELF,RAMANA特別用The Self表明),不是我們通常認為的個人自己(ego的self). 但是,人的自我(ego)在沒有醒悟的時候,都認為自我是自己的肉體,腦子和意識。當人被小我(EGO)迷惑的時候,大我雖然在,但是看不到。

大我(THE SELF)永遠是真正的你, 不需要去找。就像一個作夢的人一下清醒過來,發現剛才夢中如此逼真的“我”,其實不是真實的。真實的我,什麽事也沒做。這是一個比較好的比喻。人的小我(EGO)好比夢中的這個“我”,很逼真。當你夢醒以後,發現那個夢中的“我”也不是假的,是剛才夢到的,嚴格說,夢出來的也不算假的。

但是,RAMANA說,為了喚醒正在夢中的人,最好告訴他這一切都是假的,否則他怎能醒來? 但這樣的說法,不真正意味著夢是假的,但不說假,就很難啟發那個夢中的“我”。

但一旦你醒來了,就沒必要說那個夢是假的。這個夢很真實,也是真正的我(THE SELF)做出了的。 

沒什麽ENLIGHTENMENT階段,因為那個真正的THE SELF,從來沒有離開你,從來沒有出生,也不會過世。你早已經ENLIGHTEN了,不過暫時不體會罷了。

最後,關於你問的問題“人找到了Self,就沒有了世界,是指世界從你的感知中消失(物理性的)”,我要反問:你說的“我”,到底是誰? 當你搞清楚了,一切都清楚了。這些問題就不必要問了。





請問方便點評一下和政治有關的爭議人物嗎? 鄧小平和劉曉波。謝謝。 -人在異鄉為異客- 給 人在異鄉為異客 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/07/2012 postreply 11:55:45

和我們一樣的人。說不出什麽。 -miat42- 給 miat42 發送悄悄話 miat42 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/07/2012 postreply 11:57:59

理解,謝謝。 -人在異鄉為異客- 給 人在異鄉為異客 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/07/2012 postreply 12:02:36



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