comments posted here are well-thought

回答: 王立軍成功絆撼倒薄熙來:平民的勝利逼真2012-04-10 19:23:50

just stop by here.  it is nice that comments posted here are well-thought.  even though opinions differ, there are not much personal attacks or 蓋帽子s.  I am not on wenxuecity much until lately.  still trying to figure it out.  seems to me in some places such as 時事述評 different opinions are tolerated at a pretty low level and your posting will be easily removed.

我猜,他並不真正地尊重或懂得法律,我也信,他會做出私刑逼供一類的事情。- well said.

last summer I met a guy who was Wang's direct boss 15 years ago.  he said exactly the same: Wang had strong belief and wanted to do something, but he did things his own way.
