For common law purposes....

本帖於 2012-01-27 07:14:22 時間, 由超管 論壇管理 編輯
回答: 香港人比大陸人優越在哪裏玄野2012-01-26 05:40:02

In common law, if the store got the 珠寶 without knowing that it's stolen from someone. Then, the store is an "innocent" party.  The original owner may need to reimburse full/part of the purchasing costs to the store. However, if the store knows that the 珠寶 was stolen, then it's won't get anything.

Besides, HK people don't 在英語麵前點頭哈腰, many of them even look down upon Yang2 Gui3 Zi1 because they think some Yang2 Gui3 Zi1  are trash. This is what I learn from many HK friends.

