回複:所謂“庚子賠款”辦學,是美國退回騙我們的錢 (by四海)

來源: qing_dao 2012-01-05 18:59:18 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (672 bytes)

心中有怫便見怫, 心中有鬼便見鬼, 愛國主義是政客最愛的武器,人又是自思和會犯錯誤的。 愛國 is not enough, must also 愛民,尊重生命。曆史上,中國也侵犯過周邊鄰國。。。 You do need to read more book and think more, do not just bla bla and looks like only you love china.  Look at what Russia, Japan did to China. what does the government do? Please show your effort of love your people first. In History, if someone from Iresael and US have trouble outside their country, these country will do their best to save them  ( I know, I know, please do not tell how many soliders are killled...., that is again politics and country benefit )will save their people.



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