well, now that you stick to it,

本文內容已被 [ 京城夜 ] 在 2011-11-08 21:49:46 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

do you mind posting the communications between you and the father. what question you asked and what he replied? if you think it's privacy, that's ok. actually what i just want to know is whether the father clearly says or implies he doesn't know this guy at all and shandongshanxi really has no relationship with the kid.

frankly speaking i thought shandongshanxi is little cuty's father when he used "our own" this kind of verbiage. later i was aware he might not be the parent. but as long as he has close relationship with the kid, i still can take it. i really see no point that he just promoted the kid for no reasons. 

if you want to reveal the truth, then help us know the whole story. 
